Holiday plannings!

Many of us have some planning for the holiday refreshments. My plan is to go some far distance from the home and find some peaceful place fo...

सुम्नीमा र पारुहाङ

 आकाश =पारुहाङ,    धरती= सुम्नीमा  प्रकृती प्रेमी म ❤️ । आकाशको भार थाम्नलाई  धर्तीले बाहेक अरू कसले सक्छ र। धर्तीको सारा लाज ढाक्नलाई आकाश...

पारुहाङ तिमी छौ।

 पारुहाङ तिमी छौ.............. सुन्यतामा तिमी छौ,एकान्तमा तिमी छौ। सबैको हृदयकासमा स्वास-स्वासमा तिमी छौ। भक्ति मूक्ति रिद्दि सिद्धि घटघटमा...

Youth and its Guilt

Youth is the stage with so many offences. It is due to age factors. Including less experiences and uncontrolled thoughts and emotions. Youth...