Why is Stephen Hawking in a wheelchair?

 Famous scientist: Stephen Hawking

The world famous scientist Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 A.D .He was born in Isobel of North Britain. During Second World War his family shifts to the Oxford for the safety. Later they went to Alban city, 20 km north from London. Stephen was 8 years old during that time. At 11 years age, Stephen went to St. Alban School. Stephen has interest to study mathematics in Oxford College. But his father wants to join him in medical science. During that time there is no facility to study math in Oxford College so Stephen choose Physics for study in college level. Although he was physically disabled, he was able to demonstrate the infinite capacity of human brain. He has been suffered from rare types of neuron diseases at the age of 21 years. Doctor had announce he have only 2 years left to survive. After 2 years of struggle with disease, he was paralyzed for whole life. He takes the help of wheelchair and utilize voice synthesizer for the conversation with people. He was married with two women. He has divorce with both of them later. He has married with a lady called Jane wild in 1965 A.D. He has three children from Jane. He left Jane and was fall in love with a nurse called Elena meson. He married with her in 1995 A.D. It doesn't last for long and divorced in 2006 A.D. He have three children from Jane called Robert, Lucy and Timothy.

Teacher was in concern about the poor study of Stephen. But that poor student became the world famous scientist Stephen Hawking. One status written in 2014 A.D by Stephen becomes famous in Face book. Stephen hawking have said that "I was focusing in study of the creation of nature. Time and space may become mystery forever. My effort will never stop on it". During that time no one is working in Cosmology in Oxford University. He went to Cambridge University for research in Cosmology. Danish soya helps him in his research. Stephen also works with freed in Cambridge. In 1973 A.D he left the Space Science Organization and work on applied math and principle of Physics. From 1971 A.D to 2009 A.D he remains in the post of location professor of Mathematics. Prof. Hawking have received twelve formal Degrees. In 1989 A.D he was honored with the Champion of Honor. He was always saying about the possibility of destruction of Human being lead by nuclear war and the world climate change

He said that he was committed to discover the new planet for the survival of human beings. He has said that human races are in danger of extinction from the Global warming, new viruses and the Comets. He was invited as the Guest in famous television show of Simpson and Star trick. No scientist have own reputation like him in the lifetime. In 2009 A.D Former president of USA Mr. Barrack Osama have awarded him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This is the highest rank of Citizen in USA.' I was not afraid of dead, but I'm not in hurry to reach their' he used to said. But now he left this mortal world. The world famous Scientist of the Physics died at the age of 73 years in his own home of Cambridge in 14 marches 2018 A.D.  He was considered as the third Greatest Scientist after Einstein and Newton. He has discovered the Universe and the Quantum theory. He has goes through very deepest research on the Black Hole and the Theory of Relativity. He has written so many Books about the science. A book name "A brief History of Time" was the Top best seller book of the world. He has also become the director of the Universal theory of science Center.

He used to spend most of his time studying and research about cosmology, quantum gravity, and Black Hole. His most remarkable research was the vital role of the energy during the formation of the black hole.The energy release during the formation is named as 'Hawking radiation'. Once in an occasional programs Hawking give presentation of the principle of black hole explosion. The programs chairperson G.J.taylor was also unable to understand this principle. Taylor said that" Stephen Hawking, whatever you are telling are all useless and are all rubbish that is to be thrown in dustbin". Stephen printed this theory in the science magazine called 'Nature'. His theory became the most important topic for discussion and study to all the physicist and scientist. Hence, hawking became the popular all over the world.

Many people considered his continues study was the key of his success. After the paralyzing of all his body Hawking spend rest of all life in wheelchair.During first stage of disease he have problem in speaking and after all he was unable to speak. He has no any choice for working rather than the study and research. His brain doesn't goes away instead of studying. In an interview he has said that "my disability helps me to in research. I was able to be free from hour's long explanation and meetings. So, I should consider this as one of the favor for me". He has no anymore fear from death. In March, 1991 A.D Night he was returning to home. It was the 11 pm night. He was with his private nurse. While Stephen was crossing road one car came very fast. He thought that he was able to cross road first. But he was unable to cross road and car hit the wheelchair. His wheelchair and the computer system were broken. Hawking falls down on roadside. Hawking breaks his upper limbs. His head get injured and he have to do several head surgery. With this entire incident Hawking starts his job by discharging from hospital. His one student had already prepared one new wheelchair with the computer system. Hawking wheelchair is made most comfortable with the computer system attached in them. This computer is controlled with the help of infra-red ray fitted in his spectacle. By raising his right chick he automatically started to talk with people. He was connected with internet from this medium. In his system radio transmission was also connected. He can open and closed the windows and doors by the help of his radio transmission. Every two year INTELL Company provided new upgraded computer system to Prof. Hawking.

One day he was in hospital for the medical checkup. That is the day in which he gets serious illness. Near his bed there are small boys getting deeply suffering. He was suffering from leukemia. After few hours that boy leaves this earth. This incident changes his life, his thought and purpose of life. He thought that "So many people in world are suffering from the chronic disease and are worst disease than him. They all are suffering every second of their life. In comparison to them my disease is minor. So I most have to live well, fine and happily".    


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