If bees become extinct so will human beings?

 If bees become extinct so will human beings

If bees become extinct , so will human beings. It is because bees are responsible for pollination, which is a source of food. If bees become extinct, there will be no pollination and no food for humans.

Honeybees age:

Queen bee - 5 years

Worker bee - 40 days

Drone bee - 40 days

Queen bee:

Among all the bees, the queen bee is long, elongated and slender. It has a smaller head. The queen bee is the heart and soul and the all leader and the destiny of the honey bee colony. She is the reason for nearly everything the rest of the rest of the colony does. The queen is the only bee and the master of all without which the rest of the colony cannot survive. A good quality and healthy queen means a strong and productive hive with no trouble. The queen's two primary purposes are to produce chemical scents that help to regulate the unity of the colony and to lay lots of eggs. Queen bee is bigger in size  than the worker bee and drone bee.They lay about 3000 eggs in a day. The healthy Queen bees live longest live of about 5 years. When the larva of a honey bee is fed royal jelly only then it turns into a queen bee. Royal jelly is the highly nutritious food of honey bee.

Drone bee:

Drone bees are male. They are bigger and black. They do not help in the collection of honey or pollen. These are responsible for copulating with the queen bee to fertilize eggs.They contains half number of chromosomes in their cells. Their number ranges from few to 500 in a hive. Their body are divided into head and thorax. They do not have stinger, pollen sac, venom gland. They fly out with the Queen bee for mating outside the hive. Usually several drone mates with the single Queen. The Drones live for 21 - 90 days.

Worker bee:

Worker bees are smaller female than the queen bee. Worker bees do not have reproductive capacity.They are the smallest, non-fertile female bees in the bee hive .They live for almost 42 - 45 days. A hive may have 20000 to 80000 worker. worker gather the pollen and nectar of flowers. To do so, they have mouth parts for chewing and lapping . Such mouth parts help them to collect the nectar easily. They store nectar in their abdomen.

The Life cycle of Honey Bee:

A honeybee is an insect. The queen bee lays more than 1500 eggs per day after 2 to 3 days of mating flight. An egg lasts for 3 days.

After three days , the egg hatches into a larva. The female larva that feeds upon royal jelly for three days changes into a pupa that produces the queen bee. Other larva feed on pollen and royal jelly. The larval stage lasts for about 6 days.

The pupa of bee is inactive. The pupa of a worker bee lasts for 12 days. The pupa of a drone bee lasts for 14 days and that of the queen bee for 16 days only. The pupa hatches and grows into an adult bee.

To be an adult queen bee takes about 15 to 16 days, drone bee takes 22 to 24 days and that of the worker bee takes 20 to 21 days from the pupa.

What is hive?

A hive is a shelter for the honey bees.

What is honey?

Honey is a viscous, sticky fluid made by honey bees using nectar. It is highly nutritious.



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