What oxygen means?

 Oxygen Gas:

Oxygen gas was discovered by a Swedish  chemist Scheele in 1773 AD and named as the fire air or vital air. An English scientist Joseph Priestly called it perfect gas or very active gas. In 1776 AD French scientist Antony Lavoisier gave the name "oxygen".

Oxygen occurs free as well as in combined state in nature. It is constitutes about 48 % of the earth's crust and about 21 % of the atmosphere. In combined state, it is present as a constituent of different compounds like acid ,base ,salt ,fat carbohydrate ,protein, sand etc. About 72% of the human body is occupied by oxygen. More than 49% of the materials found on the earth's surface are the compounds of oxygen.

In commercial level, oxygen gas in manufacture in two way's .

a) From air

b) From electrolysis of water

From air:

The mixture of different types of gases is collected and compressed into low volume with a high pressure . This mixture of gasses now changes into liquid state. In this liquid mixture , there are only nitrogen and oxygen gases. The boiling point of nitrogen (-196 degree Celsius) is lower than that of the oxygen (-183 degree Celsius). So, nitrogen gas escapes out leaving only oxygen gas. Then the oxygen gas is collected in cylinders.

From electrolysis of water:

The process of obtaining oxygen and hydrogen gas from the water by passing the electric current in the electrolyte is called as electrolysis. The electrolytes are the ionized water, i.e the mixture of water and the acid.

Water on electrolysis gives oxygen gas and hydrogen gas.

The Oxygen gas can be prepared from metallic oxides and metallic peroxides. Metallic oxides when heated gives oxygen and metallic peroxides when mixed with water gives base and Oxygen gas. In lab Oxygen gas is prepared in two ways, i.e by using heat and without using heat. When potassium chlorate is heated in 250 degree Celsius temperature in presence of manganese dioxides catalyst,it give Potassium chloride and Oxygen gas. Also, Hydrogen Peroxides when mixed with the Manganese dioxides , Oxygen gas is release with the water molecules.

Oxygen gas is a colourless , odourless and testless gas. It's is slightly soluble in water. It is a neutral gas. So, it doesnot change the colour of litmus paper. It is neither combustible and nor the supporters of combustion. It becomes liquid on -183 degree Celsius and solid at -219 degree Celsius temperature. Oxygen combines with hydrogen in presence of electric sparks and gives water. 

Oxygen gas in the life supporting gas only available on this Earth. It's very important to save this gas and utilize wisely. No Oxygen No life. Save the Oxygen and save the future.

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