What is High blood pressure?

What is High blood pressure?

In this present century maximum adult people were suffer from High blood pressure. The people of all races from poor people to millionaire all are suffering from this problem. Some time it suddenly takes the life of people. Some people became fainted, paralyzed and coma. So, let us know about the High blood pressure, its symptoms, causes and the control and preventives measures of High blood pressure.

High blood pressure is the condition in which the heart pumps blood at high pressure against the wall of arteries. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, kidney damage, cardiovascular stroke, nerve damage around blood vessels etc. High blood pressure cannot be treated fully but with the change in life style, it can be kept in control. It is necessary to keep the blood pressure under the control to avoid the risk of death by heart by heart attack, brain disorder, kidney damage, etc. The symptoms of High blood pressure are given below point wise:

1) Headache

2) Shortness of breath

3) Nose bleeding

4) Heart tremors

5) Nervousness and sweating

6) Facial reddening

7) Difficulty in sleeping

8) Anxiety

9) Nausea, dizziness or blurred vision.

It is found that, most people feel no symptoms at all. So, one has to regularly monitor his/her blood pressure even if they feel completely normal. If possible, home blood pressure monitor should be bought and regularly monitoring should be done at home. If not measured and not controlled in time, high blood pressure can cause heart attack, brain hemorrhage, kidney damage, etc. without any warning symptoms.

Causes of high blood pressure:

1) Ageing (age more than 40 years)

2) Over weight

3) Family history of high blood pressure (heredity)

4) Excessive salt intake in diet

5) Excessive smoking and drinking alcohol

6) Lack of physical exercise

7) Pregnancy

8) Diabetes

9) Stressful living

Preventive and the control measure of High blood pressure

1)  We should reduce weight if weight is above the normal.

2) We should do regular exercise.

3) We should eat low salt and low sugar.

4) We should eat balanced sugar.

5) We should avoid the consumption of fatty and meat.

High Blood Pressure cannot be fully treated. But, with some changes in lifestyle, the blood pressure can be kept under the safe limit. Stay Healthy and Stay Safe.


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