Did Benjamin Franklin invent electricity?

 Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was born in 17  January 1706 A.D in Bostoncity of America. His father Josiah Franklin was an owner of the candle makingindustry in America. Josiah Franklin has 17 children. Benjamin was the youngest son. Father income of Candle factory cannot provide enough finance to running the family. After 8 years his father joins Benjamin in Grammar school. After that he was made involved in the candle factory. Though he doesn't get chance to go to school but Benjamin have keen interest in reading and researching the new things.  He was not interest in the work provided by his father. In those day many great building wall used to collapse due to the lightening from the sky. Benjamin Franklin has first research on the method to protect the building from collapsing down. He invented a new method to protect the building from the lightening. In this method - A long thin iron rod bottom was inserted in the earth 3-4 feet down and upper end is connected with wire to the top of building. In the roof of building nearly 1 foot long thin wire was installed and it sharp end is toward the iron rod wire. So in the case of lightening the high voltage current flow from wire to the iron rod and to the earth without creating any damage to the building. In 1753 many American installed this safety measure. Those devices were named Franklin rod. In 1730 A.D light house were protect by using Franklin rod. To install this device people used to take instruction from Franklin. In 1769 A.D to protect all the bigger Manson in London one organization were established.  In 1772 A.D when one gunpowder industry was destroyed by lightening, Britain also installed the Franklin rod in his Gunpowder industry. Nowadays also his technique was used to make the installation in building. His name is famous in the field of electronic.

He was not interested only in science, he have also research about the flow of the Atlantic Ocean. He has spent many years in the study of temperature, speed, force and the depth of Atlantic Ocean. He has invented other useful devices. His invention of room heater was still useful. He has invented Bifocal eye glasses. By using this method people were able to use the suitable glass to see an object properly and correct the focus of eyes. He proves that acidic soil can be treated by calcium. House should be made of proper design to get rid from various diseases and health problems.

Beside the scientist he was also the famous politician. He have played vital role in the unification war and American Revolution lead by Gorge Washington. He was the one of the five politicians who has sign the famous "Declaration letter of Independence" on 4th July 1766 A.D. From this day U.S.A have travels to the new Era.

In 1787 A.D Benjamin plays the vital role in establishing the first constitution of U.S.A. Such great political leader, multi-talent person, philosopher, educator, top business person, scientist and leader who played vital role for the welfare of American citizen died at the age of 84 years in 17 April 1790 A.D. 


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