What was Leonardo Da Vinci last painting before he died?

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci was born in a village named Vinci near the Apollo mountain of Italy on 15 April 1452 A.D. His father name was Piaro Da Vinci and mother name was Catherina Da Vinci. He was the son of popular lawyer of that period. Vinci mother was from the higher family. She has second marriage with the builder and leave Vinci with his father. In 1469 A.D Leonardo father went to Florence. Leonardo's uncle looks after him. At the age of 14 Leonardo have demonstrated his hidden talent of making statue. Leonardo notices his talent and sends him to Andrade Bayrakim for the study. Leonardo stays till 30 years in Florence for study. From early childhood he has started to show him intelligence. One day he make a picture of big giant snake and make the sun ray to fall from the window on mouth as the fire coming out of mouth. 

He has little interest in math. He uses to ask lot of difficult question to math teacher. His teacher found difficulties in teaching Leonardo. Hid keen interest on music make him a good flutist. He became famous for playing flute and his melodious and live music performance became popular all around. From early age Leonardo have big interest on paintings and making model. He doesn't have much interest on academic study. He used to bung school for fishing and roaming in mountain. If he got chance he never forgets to draw a picture. He became isolated from the academic study. In 1470 Leonardo father send him to picture artist Veronkiyo of Florence to learn arts and painting. Their Leonardo helps teachers in his work. From 1477 A.D to 1482 A.D. Leonardo freely launches his painting and sculpture art for the preservation of Lorenz De Magnificent. He doesn't believe on the old principle and the appearance of the arts. He was the first artist to have the idea of shadow arts and its beauty. He was not satisfied by it. While making different light and shadow picture he got interest on finding the law of light and shadow. Now he started to study about the photo science. He found out the wave speed principle and applied in light and sound. He also research on the physical appearance of human beings and animals. He became the first person to study about the physiology and the botany (plant science). Leonardo carried so many studies just to improve the quality of his paintings. He has very extreme imagination capacity.

It is believed that Leonardo has the qualification and talent of ten people. He was a multi talent person. He was a painter, inventor, musician, sculpture artist, soldier, engineer, scientist, supervisor, science scholar, mansion builder, town planner and designer. Because of his multi-talent capacity, he was titled with name of "Universal Man".

Leonardo always focuses into new discoveries, invention and research. In one diary of 7000 pages he have collected the information about greatest pictures of world wonder, picture of physiology, war machines, fighter engine, and so many interesting place  and adventure. In 1482 A.D Leonardo sends a letter to Duke of Milan to provide him service oriented job. Duke joins him as the engineer in the soldier.  As the engineer of soldier he makes much improvement in the weapons and machines. It includes chemical weapon, vehicle with different type of weapons and many other powerful weapons. He makes a design of one weapon which can make thousand of bullets fire over the enemies. In Milan he also works as the Manson builder.He made deign of numbers of road, drainage, city, church, station, central office etc. In 1495 A.D, He start to make the world famous painting 'Last Super' which is completed on 1497 A.D.


From 1503 A.D to 1507 A.D he completed the world famous painting called Mona Lisa. He has made this picture when he was 51 years old. During that time Mona Lisa was 24 years old. Every afternoon Mona Lisa used to come in his studio. After 3 years of hard labor this painting was completed. When it is completed Leonardo was deeply touched and became speechless by his picture. In the picture Mona Lisa face resemble extraordinary smile and the eyes resemble deep addiction. After completing picture Leonardo went to Milan. He stays in Milan for 1506 A.D to 1516 A.D. Milan come under the France administration. He was ordered to make a picture of 'Virgin and Child' and 'Saint Anne'. As per the ordered Leonardo prepare paintings and the statue. By looking the statue all people were attracted. In 1517 A.D he went to Rome. After arriving Rome, King of France invited him as the special guest and started to pay him good salary for living in France.

 If that diary written by Leonardo has been saved then many discoveries made him after many years of long effort will saved. He has research in almost all the faculty. He used to believe that human can also fly like the birds with the help of flying machine. He has also made a sketch of flying machine. If in those days petrol and the petrol engine have been discovered than his machine definitely has been flying. He has widely research about the flying machine. He has made water clock. He has also share about the utility of the ball bearing in machine. He have design the crane for lifting heavy substances during construction. Though after research of many engineers design his work remains within the paper. Many people don't got chance to have glance. Leonardo remains hidden for much long time. His work doesn't remain in the document and were destroyed. But he became world famous as an artist and the researcher. Many machine designs by Leonardo were still in used today. In 2nd May 1519 A.D, 'Universal Man' Leonardo died in the Clown City of France. 


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