What is Madame Curie famous for?

 Madam Curie:

Madam Curie was a world greatest scientist was born in 7 November 1867 A.D in the Capital city of Poland called Warsaw. Her childhood school name was Dopaska. Later she married with the famous scientist called Pierre Curie. After marriage she became famous with the name of madam curie. Madam Curie's both father and mother was the lecturer. Curie completes the higher school level at the age of 16 years old. She was very intelligent and she has received the gold medal. After higher school she wants to read science. But she was not allowed to take science faculties because of her gender. In those days female were not allowed to join in the Warsaw University. Curie father send her in Paris for the higher education. Marie Curie completes her degree in science from the Sakhan University standing on first position. In her university there were 2000 science student and among them 23 were female. Marie Curie was the first young girls to study the physics.

All the people behave normally with Madam Curie except some teachers and students. They think that female can never be smart and intelligence then the male. Madam Curie focused to prove them false. So Madam Curie study very hard and do maximum effort. She used to eat little. She didn't have enough money for expenses so she didn't give time for Entertainment.

In 1902 A.D Pierre Curie applied for the membership in the science foundation but he was rejected.In same year Curie separate the piece of radium in the form of salt. During that time people know that if we heat small piece of radium it will became the great source of energy. People are curious about the radium. So curie couple focuses on the study and research about the radium. In June 1903 A.D Curie presented the report of their research about the radiation and receives the PhD. degree.  She became the first women from France to receive the PhD. degree.

In November 1903 A.D she received another highest achievement of Nobel Prize winner in physics. This prize was announced to be given to Curie, Pierre and Henry Becquerel together. Many people have believed that Madam Curie received the Nobel Prize by the help of the Pierre Curie. But Pierre always makes clear to all that she have all qualification and intelligence to receive Nobel Prize. In fact both the couple has the equal qualification for receiving the Noble prize. One night In November 1898 A.D the Curie couple has kept some particles inside the test-tube. When they open the door then they saw a blue rays coming from the corner. Madam Curie holds the Pierre hand tightly in an excitement. When they light a candle that rays were vanished. Curie gives those particle name Radium. So later Curie couple and Becquerel have received the Nobel Prize. After two years of engagement they have a daughter. She got her name Irene Curie. She was also very talent like her mother. Irene Curie marries with Juliet Curie. Irene Curie invented first artificial radioactive particles. For this work Irene Curie and her husband received Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

In 1906 A.D Pierre Curie died on road accident. Marie Curie was in deep pain. After this she opens Curie Institute of Radium in Paris. By her name one measuring unit in radioactivity was named Curie. For her respect one element was named Curium. Madam Curie was a kind heart woman. She have played significant role on rescuing and protecting the victims in First World War. For this work American government have provided her so many prize. She involve in research of radioactive particle for her whole life. Due to this she losses her eyes. She was suffered from the blood cancer due to Radiation. In 1933 A.D she became seriously ill. Due to extreme Radiation all her bone has became useless. But then also she continues her research. In 1934 A.D she became motionless. Her small daughter Eva takes care of her in those days.

Doctor gives suggestion to take Madam Curie over the mountain of France for the fresh environment. In July 4, 1934 A.D at the age of 66 years Marie Curie died inside the health care center. She has given unforgettable gift to the mankind by researching about the Radium. We cannot forget her in the history of science.


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