What was Michael Faraday most famous invention?

 Michael Faraday:

Great scientist Michael Faraday was born in 1791 A.D Newington in a family of blacksmith. He spends his childhood playing with mud in streets. His father James Faraday cannot join him in high standard school due to poverty. In his school there is only math and general subjects. In 1804 A.D due to poverty Faraday has to leave school at the age of 14 years and have work in a book stationary of London. His boss name was Rebeu. First Rebeu give him work to collect newspaper from press and distribute to the readers. So Faraday has to carry the bundle of newspaper on shoulder and roam in the street of London to sell newspaper. Later Faraday boss give him the work to stitch the book and stay in shop as a book seller. From that day Faraday important work starts. During the free time while sitting in stationary, Faraday starts to read some science related book kept in shop. Later Michael wrote that there is two book,'' Mrs. Jane Margate conversation of Chemistry and the Encyclopedia of Britannica'' from which I got basic idea about the Electricity. Likewise while Faraday was walking on street he notice an advertising poster on the wall about the science lecture program it be held in city. He got interested to take in that program.His boss Rebeu gives him one day leave to join the program and also gave Faraday some money for the participant fees. After listening the lecture of science Faraday very deep interest to do practical experiment.

 In whole world there are many Electric power plants in which Generator was used for producing electricity. We cannot imagine about producing electricity without the generator. The most important part to produce electricity i.e. Generator is invented by Michael Faraday. While inventing this device, Faraday never have imagine that it will be useful in such extend all over the world.In this modern world electricity production and utilization and all is possible due to the Faraday invention. Faraday was considered as the father of Electromagnetic Induction. During the adult age Faraday have got the chances to listen the lecture of science from Humphrey Davy. It is in 1812 A.D. Due to that lecture Faraday have got interest on science. He sends some letter about his new creation to the Davy. In letter Faraday have asked for the work. Davy accepts him and provides Job. In 1913 A.D Faraday work an assistance of sir. Davy in the Royal institute.Faraday travel all over the Europe with Davy. 

The youth scientist Michael Faraday's visit to Europe became the most important opportunity to experience many new things in life. He has become the most important source of income for the Royal institute. Faraday work in glass and tin. Faraday and Davy jointly manufacture the carbon chloride. On the basis of this in 1825 A.D they again discover Benzene.

After discovery of benzene Davy leave the institute. Faraday has performed much experiment for Davy. In 1823 A.D they research about converting the gas into liquid by extremely high pressure. This research was done by Faraday but the credit goes to Davy. After this Faraday and Davy were separated and stand against each other. When the Faraday was appointed as the fellow of Royal Institute Davy was against it. In 1821 A.D in the Royal Institute Lab Faraday invented world first electric motor. This invention was on the basis of principle of Electromagnetic effect developed by scientist Hans Christian Ostraedo from Denmark in October 1820 A.D. After good earning for livelihood Faraday marry with his lover Sarah Bernard. His married life started with loving environment and goes on till the end of life. His wife Sarah play vital role for having successful life of many invention. In 1827 A.D Faraday was invited for the lecture on the chemistry by London University. His refuse the invitation and spend most of his time on research. After invention of electric motor he was questioning himself, if we can create magnetic field by passing electric current in metals then why not we can use magnetic force to produce electric current in the metals?. To find the answer Michael Faraday continues to perform different new experiment. As a result in 1831 A.D he discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction. From this principle Faraday invented world first Dynamo or Electric Generator which can produce the electricity by the help of Magnet and high speed rotating Conductor. Faraday brings very big revolution in the world of electronic science by discovering the principle of electromagnetic induction and inventing the electric generator. In 1841 A.D while Faraday was working in his lab some harmful chemicals enter in his body. It hampered his brain. Faraday went to Switzerland with his wife Sarah for the treatment. They spend 4 years in Switzerland for the health improvement and complete recovery.

After recovery from illness Faraday again fully dedicated on his research work. During that time Faraday starts to receive lifelong pension of 30 pounds per year from the Royal treasure. After that Faraday was elected as the president of both Royal society and the Royal Institute. But Faraday refuses both the post.In 1858 A.D after becoming the world famous scientist, he was expelled from Royal institute by the British Queen as suggestion received from the Prince Albert. But then also Faraday continues his scientific research. Likewise one of the most intelligent and famous scientist died on 25 August 1867 A.D.


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