What is Isaac Newton famous for?

 Sir Isaac Newton:

Isaac Newton was born in 25 December 1642 A.D. He was very small during his birth. He has born before nine month so doctor has predicted that he will not live for longer time. He was easily fitted in a pot of quart size Isaac father died when he was 3 month old. Isaac mother have second marriage when Isaac was 2 years old. His step father doesn't used to like him. His step father passes away when Isaac was 10 years old. Newton's childhood was very interesting during. He was send to the grandmother for care. He doesn't seem to have the special capacities.He joins to school in 12 years. In school also he doesn't seems to have any ability. He has interest in drawing and the mechanics. Isaac Uncle knows his interest and joins him to the Cambridge Universities trinity college at the age of 19 years. He completes the graduation in 1665 A.D. He gets the opportunity to works with the famous mathematics professor Isaac biro. Professor Biro has seen the outstanding capacity in Isaac Newton. In 1669 Biro retired from his service and appointed Isaac Newton in his post. In the age of 27 years, Isaac Newton became the professor of mathematics in the Trinity College. He was also appointed as the fellow of the Royal Society of London. It is the greatest honor of the world. From several years Isaac was performing so many experiments in the nature of light. He was not publishing his works in the phenomena of light. He has habit to work in secret. He had invented some Telescope but then also was not satisfied by it. It is because the telescope invented by him has the same default like other telescope. It is the colorful rays appear in the lens which disturbs the image. Isaac wants to understand, how this ray appears? 

One day Newton inserted a ray of light inside the triangular prism in a dark room. He closed the door. The ray of light entered from a hole made in window. He saw a white ray of light disperse into different color. The seven colors appear into a definite pattern of Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. Newton separate one Blue color ray from the pattern and passes it into next prism. This time ray doesn't disperse. The ray bends into certain angle but never disperse into other color. Newton tries on different color in same process. But they show no other color in individual but only change the direction. Show in this way Newton proves that white rays of sun contain seven types of different colors. He also shows that if these seven colors are passes into prism then it again became the single white rays.

One day in 1665 A.D, a young boy has return to his village Bulls worth during the vacation. His mother have beautiful garden in village. That boy was sitting under a garden tree. Suddenly an apple falls on the ground. He thought that why this apple falls directly on the ground? Why it doesn't go upward? Why any objects doesn't go up or left-right? Why they all fall down? There must be some reaso Not only this, he thought that there must be some attractive force between a flower and the big stars in the space. That young boy was non-other than the world famous scientist sir Isaac Newton.

On the basis of an apple falling from the tree on the ground, Newton formulated The Universal law of Gravity. As per this law every object in the universe is attracting every other object by the Gravitational force of attraction. The Gravitational force may be excessively strong or very weak. This force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of two objects. And inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two object from the center of mass. One day Newton was going to the church for the evening prayer. He has one very loyal dog called Diamond. One mouse jumps on the table and starts to eat table. Seeing the mice his dog jump over the mice. At that time there is one candle on the table. It falls down and all the paper turns into ashes. Those papers were the result of his many years of hard labor and the researches. This incident has great effect on the health of Newton. He lost his brain for some days.

From childhood he was always doing some new things. He has made a small model of wheel jet plane which really works. He has made different type of watch. His hobbies of reading whole days and night, drawing different sketch, collecting the flowers and the medicinal herbs.

Newton have formulated and discovered three laws of motion.First law of motion state that everybody in a state of rest will be in rest until and unless external force is applied on it. Similarly every uniformly moving body will be in state of motion until and unless the external force is applied on it. Newton have understand that either for an apple to fall from tree or an ocean tide to rise up, Energy is needed. If a car in which we are travelling suddenly pull brake what will happen? Car will stop by brake but our body will be in the continues motion. As a result our head will strike on the front seat. People are experiencing this in daily life; Newton formulated this phenomenon into the mathematical principle.

In 1699 A.D, he became the teacher of Tasha University. In 1703 A.D he was elected as the president of the Royal Society of Britain. He works in Royal Society for rest of his life. In 1705 A.D Queen of Britain Anne provide Newton with the title of Sir. He works in the field of science for whole life. He never shows proud of his intelligence. In his old age Newton continue his investigation in different Planets over the space.He was able to serve as the president of Royal Society. But one day while he was returning from the meeting Newton gets seriously ill. He died on 20th March 1727 A.D. After many centuries few people have born with such intelligence. Newton have told that , If I was able to look quiet forward in future, then this all were possible due to the fellowship of so many intelligent people who are standing with me.

Sir Isaac Newton was the popular scientist of the world. He was kept in the same rank of Albert Einstein and Galileo.


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