How many times did Thomas Alva Edison failed?

 Thomas Alva Edison:

Thomas Alva Edison was born in 11 February, 1847 A.D in Milan city of Ohio, America. He was from the poor family. His father was Dutch and mother was Scottish. When Edison was 7 years his family migrates to Pt. Huron of Michigan. His father joins him in public school for the study. Edison mother was the teacher in his school. The entire teacher was disturbed by the Edison. All teachers don't like him and Edison study for three month only. All teachers don't like him because Edison doesn't believe in anything without his own observation and experience.  The boys don't have habit of believing anyone including teachers and asked different types of question. So school teacher used to tell him an arrogant student as expel him after three month of admission. After that Edison mother start to give him primary education in home. That boy after the education from home and self study he succeeded invent more than the 1000 instrument which are still very applicable nowadays. Edison has studied numbers of book for his improvement and knowledge. He has said that, I don't have read only books but whole library. I started to read from one words and completed half library of Detroit. He utilized all those knowledge to investigate the mystery of Nature. Electric bulb, sound recorder, phonograph, Kinetoscope, Railway signal system, carbon transmitter etc. He has patented his 1093 invention. He has failed several times while trying to invent the electric bulb. He doesn't get tired of failure.  The most active and popular inventors one of the most important invention is considered as the invention of the light bulb. During that period Light bulb is considered as the one of the eight amazing wonders of the world which have brings changes in the field of electricity. Edison was from the poor family.

He has work as the newspaper seller in a local train for earning money. During the period of selling newspaper in a local train from Huron to Detroit he has understand that news can also be sold. He later buys one old printing machine and started to print a weekly newspaper called ' The Grand Trunk Herald' in the train. This newspaper was the world first newspaper published from the train. Edison also open small lab in one of the container of the train. In that lab he used to do some scientific experiment during leisure time. He used to manage money to buy new chemical and instrument by selling his newspaper. He used to perform the experiment about telegraphy in lab of train. One day small pieces of phosphorous fall on the floor and catch fire. The fire grows and burn whole the lab and container. After this incident the conductor of train became very angry. He throws Edison printing machine and the lab out of the train. Also he forcefully punches on the head of Edison. His punching has broken the eardrum of Edison. So he became deaf for whole life.

 In 1862 A.D Edison keeping his life in risk bravely saved a boy from a train accident. That boy was the son of Train station master. Though train station cannot give any financial help but he taught him Telegraphy. In 1868 A.D Edison fill first patent on Telegraphy. Same year he invented a calculating machine. After that he went to New York. In New York he has stressful life. After some month in New York he got a job in Telegraph of Stock exchange office. Edison meets with the president of Stock exchange and gives him a Telegraph machine invented by him. He expect of getting at least 2 thousand dollar but in surprise he got 40 thousand dollar from the president. From this days Edison bright life started.

In 1867 A.D he establishes a lab in the Mainlopark of New York. There he made so many new inventions. People used to call him a magician of Mainlopark. In 1877 A.D he invented first Gramophone.Edison has invented one machine by the help of which he developed a Typewriter. He also invented a pen which works by electricity which later on developed into a Memo-graph. In 1889 A.D he invented a recording camera for recording video and film. In 1912 A.D Edison was announced to be given Nobel Prize with Tesla, but denied to receive Nobel Prize with Edison. So both of them losses Nobel Prize. He used to tell that I have the 1 percent intelligence but 99 percent of my continues labor to have achievement and success. In 1960 A.D Edison name were kept in the rank of great person which are called ''The member of the Hall of Fame''. The greatest inventor died on 18 October 1931 A.D at the age of 84 years in New Jersey, U.S.A. His cemetery was built in West New Jersey near his home. In the honor of Thomas Alva Edison one minute light is switched off all over America and Canada. 




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