What did Albert Einstein Discover?

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was not only a famous scientist but also a great preacher of the Peace. He was well known by the Theory of Relativity and the Mass-energy equation, E = Mc^2. He was awarded for the research on theoretical, physical and the photo-electric effect in 1921 A.D.

He was born in 14 marches, 1879 in a city called Alma, which is 85 miles away from the famous town Munich. He father name was Hormone Einstein. When he was one years old his families migrate in Munich. Einstein was a very shying boy. His mother has the patience in playing piano. He learns from his mother to play a piano. He has great interest in the music. Sometime he forgets to eat by listening the music. His childhood spend on Munich. In first he can't speak till 3 years old. His parent was very trouble by his inability. But then also Einstein parent join him in Munich primary school at 6 years old.

His teacher used to give severe punishment saying him a doll student. He returns home with sad face. But when he returns home Einstein easily forget all things due to the Love from mother and his four sisters. Family relatives bully him and joke him when they saw his habit and mental passiveness and silent nature. Einstein mother was well known about his habit of remaining silent and isolated. Her mother used to share her opinion to relatives that his behavior makes him a great person in the world. She used to encourage Einstein from every difficulty. Einstein used to think the school as the jail was everyday student was forcefully compelled to remember and repeat the same text. He feels free while returning from school. His father Hormone also used to love him very much. Einstein used to spend most of his time alone in silent observing the nature.

When he was 15 years his family migrates to Italy. He was send to Switzerland for further study. Einstein gives an exam for the admission in the Zurich University. But he failed. Einstein has to prepare for next whole years and get the admission in University. In Switzerland he develops his qualification in math and the Physics. In 1900, he completes his exam and became the citizen of the Switzerland. While Einstein was in University he met with one of his college friends mellow more and married her in 1904. In 1904 Einstein have first son named Darns Albert and in 1910 next son called Edwards. Einstein wives want to spend her life in Berlin but Einstein doesn't agree. Mellow went to Berlin taking her two sons. Einstein remains in the Zurich. In 1919 Einstein and Mellow have divorce with each other. Same year Einstein married with Salsa. She was his sister daughter. Einstein second wife died in Princeton in 1936 A.D. Einstein was in deep sorrow from this incident. In 1905 while he was 27 years old Einstein gets the Ph.D. certificate from the Zurich University.

In same year he publishes his five articles about his study and research. He became famous all over the world by his articles.  Einstein later wrote 50 and more hypothesis and unique scientific article. In 1999, Times magazine announced Einstein as the most Intelligent Person of the Century. He was considered as the greatest scientist till today. Einstein name became the synonyms of Intelligence. In 1915 A.D famous scientist Albert Einstein formulated the General Theory of Relativity. Einstein said that the Light travelled in the curved path instead of the straight path. This is due to the curvature shape of the Universe. Einstein theory changes the concept of the Flat Universe. Einstein discovered the new concept of matter, space, time, peace and the Universe. World of science were in big revolution by Einstein theory. Einstein theory has deep impact not in the scientific theory but also in Philosophy, Human science and other field. Einstein was ranked with the greatest scientist Copernicus, Keller and Newton.

In the first presentation of the Einstein theory, no one became able to understand his concept. No one had ever imagined that the Einstein theory will became the world topmost theory ever discovered. First of all few recognized scientist were attracted by the Einstein theory. Later in all the country around the world troll in discussion about the Einstein Theory. Einstein became Famous all over the world. He was invited by much University from all over the world for his lecture. In 1906 A.D Einstein leave the Patent depart Job and started a new job of lecturer in one of the University of Zurich. In 1909 Einstein went to Berlin as the outstanding Professor of the Physics. Einstein returns in Germany for the free service in the field of science. Einstein stay in Germany but he doesn't leave the Citizen of Switzerland. 

Einstein had studied about the Brownian motion in his next thesis. In third article he had explain about the world famous theory of Relativity.In this theory he had explain that like matters, distance and time, space also changes rapidly. Einstein theory of relativity shakes the world of science. His theory has proven that there is no any existence of ether. This theory was so tough that only little number of scientists was able to understand this theory. In his fourth theory he had explain about the similarity of the matter and energy. As per this theory when a one pound of matter is change into energy, it will release the energy equivalent to the energy release by the explosion of 70lakh tons of dynamite. On the basis of this theory scientist invented atom bomb. This atom bomb destroys the centuries old town Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan and burn to ashes within a second. In his fifth articles he had explain about the light. Einstein has proven that light travels in the form of packet of particles called photons.In 1916 A.D Einstein have explain in his general theory of Relativity about the problems in the gravity of universe. Einstein was against the capitalist. After the atom bomb attack on Japan, many hundred thousand civilians were killed. Einstein has openly spoken against the American policies. After this he visited different countries and advocate for the peace of world. Once while Einstein was travelling in Narrow Street, a person told him to sit on rickshaw. Einstein have said that god have compassion but not devil. Einstein was above the boundary of the nationalism so he never misses to raise voice against any kind non human activities. After First World War Jews were in extreme painful situation due to the suppression of government and poverty. Einstein has become the supporter of the Israel. In April 1921 Einstein went to America to collect fund for the Israel and Brain University. He supports Israel without any kinds of selfishness. After establishment of Israel country he didn't became Israel citizen. He was proposed to become the Israeli president. But Einstein denies it saying, "I was not qualified for it".


After returning from America Einstein saw very worst condition of Germany. Germany have already loose the battle. Many hundred thousand people have been Jobless. Einstein gave the concrete way for solving the arising problems in Germany. He was the one of the first person who raises voice against the Nazi's dictatorship and supports the civilian's right. He was Jews. That's why many supporter of Einstein told to be aware and safe from political matters. Einstein denied such suggestion. He used tell bravely, "I was not afraid of death; I always stand beside the truth". Because of the popularities of Albert Einstein Nazi's considered him as the one of the strongest opponents. Many thousand poster and pamphlets were pasted on the wall against Einstein. In one poster there is an Einstein picture and below it there is written, why still he was not hanged? The Nazi's government burn the book of the theory of Relativity along with other books was there are articles written against Nazi. Einstein was a moody type. He explain the theory of relativity in such way, Person sitting for an hour near a beautiful women thinks that it's not a minute sitting there. Same person if sit on the hot frying pan for one minute then one minute will be longer than the hours . This is the Theory of Relativity. In 1933 A.D. Hitler Dictatorship establish in Germany. The civilian rights and the freedom for speech were cancelled and prohibited. In such situation Jews were brutally suppressed. Einstein speaks against Hitler so he was kept in the house arrest. In same time Einstein have to reach America for some program. After reaching America, one of his friends send a letter telling to him not to return in Germany. Nazi was planning to execute him. Germany government has put so many charges in Einstein for his arrivals in Germany. After getting letters Einstein wait in America.


He receives a higher post in Princeton University. Einstein has interest in piano from early age. He use to practice piano but he doesn't have interest in literature. He doesn't have interest in paintings also but he praise the art of making statue. Einstein died in 18 April 1955 A.D.

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