How did Galileo Galilei change the world?

 Galileo Galilee:

Galileo was born in 15 Feb, 1564 A.D. His name was given from the home. In Tuscan tribe, the elder sons name was given from home. Galileo was also a Tuscan. Galileo mother Giulia was from the higher family. She used to appreciate her relatives in the higher post. Galileo have interest in science, nature and the world incident from the early age. He has tried to understand all the natural phenomena in a scientific way which brings the surprising result. At that time he was only at the age of 17 years. One night he was going to the Pisa church for praying. At church keeper open the gate and lit a lamp hanging in the iron chain. The lamp starts to swing left and right. He noticed that the time of swinging of the lamp was same either the distance of the swinging of the lamp decrease. At that time there was no invention of the clock.Since Galileo was the medical student, he knows that the blood impulse rate was same in all the human beings. So Galileo use the impulse of the blood vessels to calculate the time period of the rotation of the swinging lamp. His experiment get succeed. The entire object either bigger or smaller it takes time for the motion. Galileo get an idea on the basis of this concept and make a device named Simple Pendulum. From same concept he invents another device to measure the impulse of the nerves. After several years Galileo became very old and blind. His son Wizened invents the wall clock on the basis of same technology. Nowadays also same concept was used to make the wall clock.

It was September 1581 A.D, Galileo was 17 years old, and he started to study the medical science. He feels that this medical science is a boring subject. His first year of study was focused on the Aristotle and the study was conducted in Greek, Latin and Hebrew. It is because medical science was taken as the faculty of the Arts. Galileo was a fast and clever boy. He doesn't have time to study about various subjects. Galileo wants to be specializing in any one subject. At the age of 21 years he leaves Pisa University without taking the degree certificate. He has already achieved lots of knowledge. Specially Math. After that for few years he teaches the math tuition. Although he don't have certificate but he was hopeful about getting job in University. He deeply prepared for the University job. Where ever he applied for job he was rejected. Galileo spend his four year in this. He utilize the waste time as much as possible. He started to give public lecture in the invited places. Those lectures make him popular among the people. 

In one summer 1589 A.D Galileo fortune was changed. He was selected as the mathematics lecturer in Pisa University for 3 years. Though it was lower level job as per his expectation, but Galileo was happy inside for being able to return in academic life. Galileo father Vissenjo has studied about the relation of sound and the guitar string by the help of elder son. Also he has written his book on the base of this study. By his one book Galileo have got the important step for the scientific study. He has written that 'that person who wants to make principle without the research, they behave like a stupid. I want to raise question freely and want to give answer freely. So this may give answer to those people who want to search for the truth'. This is the sentences written by his father when Galileo was 24 years old. The genuine methods of scientific research that Galileo applied are the method he learns from his father. He has discovered so many new evidence which is against the established principle of the Roman Catholic Church. So this brings the violence between the churches. In 1585 A.D Viejo died. During his dead father have no any money and thing left for him. So Galileo have to leave the study and go for the search of the job. In those days Galileo was in the target from the Tusking Grand Duke for speaking against the Aristotle law of motion. Due to his intelligent and knowledge Duke appoint him as the Professor of math in the Pisa university. In one religious text it is written that if two body of different weight are thrown from the same height in same time then the heavier body will fall first and then lighter body. In fact this was the text written by Aristotle. Galileo have never liked that statement. He was the first person who proves this statement was wrong. The story of Galileo and the bending of the Pisa tower are considered as the important event in science.

As per the mythical stories Galileo have choose the 180 feet tall Pisa tower for the experiment. In 1590 A.D Galileo reach to the 7th floor from the ladder. He has carried two ball of metal each of having 100 pound and 1 pound weight. During this experiment, the professor, philosopher and student of the Pisa universities were the audience. There were some people who believe in the old superstitious science and never imagine of changing the mind. They are scolding the Galileo from one corner. Galileo hand both the ball below the roof of top floor very carefully. The public viewer gathers all around. Galileo release both the ball at a time. All people are thinking that Galileo will be proven foolish in the public. But unbelievable things happen. Both the balls having different mass strike the ground in same time. All the public saw it live. Anyway Galileo already have understood the principle of the Gravity so he was able to show this to the public. Galileo disproved the geocentric concept of Copernicus. During that time people believe that Earth is the center of solar system.  Galileo prove that Sun is the center of solar. In 1616 A.D Galileo discovered the principle which says that, ''The Sun remains in center which doesn't rotate and the Earth rotate around the Sun''. After this principle publish in the public instead of the having new revolution he was ordered to be presented to the church administrative. He was warned by the Government to stop his public speech and the research. He was sentenced to Jail. After 7 years of prison Galileo return home. In 1639 A.D after returning from home he make blind. After blindness he was spending very treacherous life and in January 1642 A.D Galileo died. He was such scientist who continues the research till his last breath. His work and concept became still Universal truth.



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