What did Charles Darwin discover in Galapagos?

 Charles Robert Darwin:

Charles Darwin was born in 12 February 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. His father was a rich surgeon. His father has enough wealth for his son Charles Darwin. There no any kind of shortage in home. When Darwin was 8 years old his mother died. Darwin's grandfather Dr. Robert Darwin was also famous doctor, researcher of nature and environment and a writer.

In his educated families Darwin was considered as an arrogant boy. From small age he has interest of collecting insects, plant, stones and other natural things. His father join Darwin in school in 1818 A.D. Darwin used to think that the school education were incomplete and boring. He doesn't have interest in academic studies. He used to collect insects and go for deep and detail research on it. Darwin used to perform simple experiment on chemistry too. In the age of 16 years Darwin father send him to Edinburgh University to study medical science. He was very sentimental in nature. Darwin used to get scared of surgery. During that time there was no anesthesia for the surgery. Surgery was very painful treatment method. Darwin doesn't get success in study of surgeon. 

In 1828 A.D he leaves Edinburgh University. He was send to Cambridge University to study the theology. He doesn't give much time in study of theology. Instead of it he spends much of his time in the study of group of animals. He has studied theology only to receive the degree certificate. Darwin makes several professor friends of Botanist and Geologist during his studies about living beings. From 1831 A.D his life changes to new fortune.In the same year Beagle Ship was going for the world tour for scientific discoveries and findings. For this voyage one crew member should be a natural scientist.This voyage was under the leadership of Captain Fitz raya. Darwin two friends of Cambridge University have forwarded his name. Darwin was chosen for that post. This Journey last for 5 years.

During this journey Darwin studied about different types of living beings. He has collected lot of fossil bones of extinct animals. He started the comparative studies of fossils and the alive animals. In the group of Galapagos Island he studied about different types of crocodiles, tortoise and reptiles etc. He was amazed by different types of creatures. Darwin found those animals in the island were all similar in character but difference in size only. From this evidence Darwin get an idea about the Theory of Evolution. After returning from the world tour, Darwin stays in England for few days. In England he wrote his travel experience of whole world. The collection made by Darwin was the biggest treasure.

In 1839 A.D Darwin married with women named Emma wedgwood. In 1844 A.D he returned to Kent. From all his work we can consider Charles Darwin as the natural scientist of Britain. Darwin discovered the famous theory of Evolution called as Darwinism. Before his discovery people used to believe that different animal of different group are originated differently. There is no any change in their forms and groups. Darwin proves this concept as a wrong concept. After his long research he found that all living beings of present time were developed from the simpler organism. All the plants and animals were developed from same unicellular simpler organism. After long continuous evolution this unicellular organism developed into present living creatures. In Galapagos island one person after looking to tortoise said that he knows some other island were similar types of tortoise were found. Darwin thought that if we considered that tortoise forefather were same and after long period of time there is little changes, then it will be easy to understand them. This concept gives an idea of theory of evolution. It is clear that everything changes in course of time. But why? What is the reason of these changes? What is the process? How is this possible? In 1838 A.D from articles of human population written by Thomas Malthus, Darwin gets some answers.Darwin was able to understand how there is evolution in human beings from one generation to another generation. According to Malthus, human population increases rapidly so that present day's food will not be sufficient to feed them all. As a result human beings will struggle for food. This struggle was only for food. During his time one natural scientist named Alfred send him a letter. In letter he admits that after long research of 'Evolution' he came to same conclusion of 'Darwin Theory'. In 1858 A.D they wrote a combine thesis. In 1859 A.D Darwin publishes his famous book named ' The origin of spices by natural selection' which gets completely sold in few days. In his book Darwin have proved that all different types of living creature were developed from common ancestor. He has said that after struggle for existence, only few organisms were able to survive in a change situation. This book brings great revolution in the religious of the origin of living beings. His book concept was accepted by the entire scientist over the world. In 1868 A.D Darwin publish next book called 'The variation of animals and Plants order of Domestication'. He by choosing pigeon, dogs and other animals we can breed many number of progeny. As per him hybrid plant seeds can also be prepared by crossing. Darwin wrote number of books like ' Insectivorous plants', ' The power of movement in plants', ' Decent of Man' which became popular. Darwin died in 19 April 1883 A.D at the age of 74 years old. His body was buried in Westminster Abbey. His cemetery was near to Newton cemetery.


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