What is the role of Enrico Fermi in the Manhattan Project?

 Enrico Fermi:

Enrico Fermi was born in 29 September 1901 A.D in Rome, Italy. Enrico Fermi mother was a primary school teacher. Enrico father doesn't receive a regular academic education but due to his hard labor he was able to become a division chief of train. Enrico Fermi was considered as the researcher and father of nuclear reaction. He was the father of nuclear energy because he was the first who has invented the nuclear fission process. At the age of 21 years he received degree in physics on X-rays from the Pisa University. In 1827 A.D he was appointed as a lecturer in Rome University. He was very intelligent so that he was appointed as a member of Italy academy in 1929 A.D. This was the big reputation of Italy. In 1934 A.D he discovers the most major things after the ten years of continues labor. When a slow moving neutron was projected in atom, the atom became excited and releases the radiation. During this process one matter changes into other matter. In 1933 A.D he imagine about the concept of neutron. During that time the situation of Italy was very worst.It is because of brutal regime of Mussolini. This has direct impact on Fermi because his wife was Jews. Fermi has great fortune that during that time he was invited in Colombia University of America as a guest. Fermi went to America with all his family and never return back. In 1938 A.D he received a Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1939 A.D he became the professor of Colombia University. He receives American citizenship in 1944 A.D.

                                  In Colombia University he research about controlled nuclear fission process and nuclear fission process in Uranium by the neutron. After several years of continuous labor under his leadership in 1942 A.D America built first Nuclear power plant in Chicago. In this nuclear power plant extreme energy was release for the generation of electricity. This shakes the whole world. People said that ' the nucleus of Italy reach to the new world'. One of the members of Fermi was Albert Einstein. Einstein said that ''we must have to send letter to President Roosevelt that from nuclear fission we can make very powerful bomb. We must have to inform that German scientist is doing research to build this bomb''. President Roosevelt also gives permission to built nuclear bomb. President manages the budget for the manufacture of this nuclear bomb. Fermi and his team start a secret Manhattan project to build the nuclear bomb. Fermi went to Las Alamos to prepare nuclear bomb.

 In 16 July 1945 A.D the first successful test of nuclear bomb take place. In course of Second World War this bomb were launched in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Millions of casualties of life and properties take place in Japan. Millions of people became blind and disable. This incident give the lesson to whole world that misuse of the science could create such energy can destroy whole world. After Second World War Fermi went to the Chicago University. He studies about the nuclear physics. From the name of Fermi one research center was established which is still carrying lot of researches. Fermi was a famous learner and researcher of his time. He wrote many books of Physics.Nowadays there were many Nuclear power plants all over the world. They are used for generating electricity and energy. This works on the principle of Fermi. Fermi died during the time of his fame. After his dead one element was given name Fermi as. On his respect American government establish Fermi prize which is provided every year to those people who works in the field of Science.

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