Do you know about secret of Star


Stars are forming even today within a few hundred parsecs of the sun and in more distant regions of space. The starry sky is not a static scene but the site of continual births of new stars out of interstellar dust and gas. Many stars and star systems are less than a few million years old - much less than a few million years old-much less than 1% as old as our galaxy. Some have become visible since humanity evolved, though prominent newly formed stars have probably not appeared in our sky during recorded history. Star formation begins with protostars, which are clouds of dust and gas that begin to contract due to their own gravity. They collapse fairly rapidly to stellar dimensions and become pre-main-sequence Starlike objects. Theoretical calculations in the last two decades have revealed what features these objects probably have. Many of these features have been confirmed by observation, especially by infrared equipment ,which detects the radiation from relatively low temperature dust in nebulae around the newly formed stars. Among the objects revealed in this way are groups of stars evolving towards the main sequence.  Many groups of Stars and individual stars are surrounded and obscured by cocoon nebulae consisting of dust particles(probably silicate and ices similar to those that formed the first planetary material in our own solar system). More evolved objects ,such as the T Tauri stars ,appear to be shedding their cocoon nebulae and have almost reached the main sequence. Once the main sequence is reached ,energy is generated in the star as hydrogen converts into helium by means of the proton- proton cycle for smaller stars and the carbon cycle for larger stars.

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