How did Edward Jenner cure smallpox?

vaccinating smallpox

Edward Jenner was born in 1749 AD in England. In his childhood he have interest in natural history but later he labor hard to obtain the medical knowledge. In those days the Botanists should first have to get training under the supervision of Doctors. After this training they have to study two years course from medical college or University. From the age of 13, he started his training in his village from the Doctor Bistle and later he was trained by Doctor Hontton till the age of 21 years. About three hundred years ago Smallpox were very deadly diseases. Many thousand of people used to die due to Smallpox. Those survival also became unlucky and became ugly.Her faces were covered by several dark patches. Maximum patients loose their eyesight. Some time Measles became epidemic and kills several people. The great scientists who save the people from such diseases was non other than Edward Jenner. He was the famous surgeon who have invented the vaccines for Measles. During his orientation class in 1766 AD, one women visit him and asked for the suggestion for her cow farms. At same time the topic of Measles was arises and She said that,” I’m suffering from cow pox so I will not be suffered from Measles”. This cow pox affect the breast of cow and those but are milking this infected cow will suffer from cowpox. In this diseases small wounds and pox is seen on the infected person but they doesn’t feels any pain. After finishing his orientation class in SaintGarj Hospital of London, in 1773 AD he returned to Warkley. After several years he remember that women conversation. He examined this statement and asked with the villagers. He was confirmed that those person suffering from Cowpox will not suffer from Measles. He collected some sample from the wounds of women suffering from Cowpox. Edward Jenner made a vaccines from that sample and injected to 8 years old boy named James Fips. That boy was feebly affected by Cowpox. After 7 weeks later Edward Jenner collect some sample from the Measles patient and injected to that boys.James body show no any symptoms of Measles. From this experiment Edward was confirmed that Cowpox will protect from the Measles. First up all nobody believed his experiment. They make several rumors about him. Some said that Cowpox and Measles were different diseases and Cowpox will not protect from small because they are not related diseases. They flourish several fake news against Jenner. They said that the sample obtained from the animal shouldn’t be mixed with the human blood because this was very worst and against the law of nature. Jenner defend those statement and said that,”from thousand of years people are killing animals and eating meat, people are consuming the cow and buffalo milks. Why isn’t this also against the law of nature and misdeed?. For the treatment of the deadly diseases like Measles we shouldn’t have to avoid the uses of the sample obtained from Cowpox”. Jenner doesn’t get disturbed by such rumors . He continue his study to recognized the sample of the Cowpox. He was busy on his research and doesn’t have time for other activities. He became popular day to day and people used to take his vaccines for the treatment of the Measles. In this way the world first Measles vaccines was discovered. His vaccines became worldwide and all people from different country ordered this vaccines for the treatment of Measles.Now Jenner became world famous inventor of vaccines. He was honored in many countries. In the country like Holland and Switzerland, priest suggest people to utilize this vaccines for the treatment of Measles. In Russia government give the offer of free education to those child who take the first vaccines of Measles. This name was kept “Vaccinoff” by the Russian Empress Dowager. In 1802 AD to 1806 AD British senator honored Jenner with lot of wealth. Jenner also perform different research and experiment in animals. His later study were focused on the animals and birds. Jenner was the great scientist who dedicated his life for the treatment of Measles. This great person died on 1823 AD. Today the world is free from the danger of deadly diseases called Measles and this credits goes to Edward Jenner.

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