How did James Watt changes the world?

Steam engine train

James Watt was born in 19th January, 1736 AD in a small village of Scotland. His village was near the Clyde river bank. His father used to built furniture and also ships. James Watt mother Agnes have given birth to lot of children but all most all of them die to due to unknown diseases. Before the birth of James Watt, his parent increases the mother care and after his birth parents do all the possible things for his survival. After all a weak baby was saved by the couple by their hard works. In his childhood James watt have to face the problems of Teeth pain and Headache. He was mentally healthy and brilliants but due to his physical weakness James Watt cannot attained the regular classes. He complete his primary education within the home from his parents. In his childhood his father gave him tools for shaping woods. James uses it to break his dolls and assemble into new shape and dolls.

Small boy James doesn’t used to like the noise made in school. In school kids used to make noise ,run here and their and fights with each other. James feel awkward from all this environment. So at the age of 13 years James Watt leave the school. After leaving school James get involved in his father business. He learn all his father works within a few days. He specially learn more about making metallic devices. During that time James Watt father have good business in the biggest ship manufacturing companies of Greek. His father have the staff for making ship and the ship traders. His father also sells device necessary to run the ship, device to measure the height, magnetic compass and telescope. James Watt quickly learns the working principle and repairing method of those devices. During those day James Watt want to be an inventor instead of mechanics. So as per his intention he leave home and Greek and went to this maternal uncle house in Glasgow city of Scotland. In Glasgow ,one of the James relative was the principle of Glasgow University. That relatives help James Watt to meet with the scientists called Robert. Robert appointed him as the temporary keepers of scientific devices in the University. In 1755 AD as per the suggestion from Robert he went to London for the training to manufacture the scientific instruments. In London, Robert friend James Short tried a lot to engage him in a clock manufacturing company, but James Watt was rejected because he was not a trained person. Later Robert friend John Morgan agreed to give him job in his brass device manufacturing company. By looking to the speed of his work, skills and activeness John Morgan was impressed and manage for his formal training. James started to work day and night inside the John Morgans office. Nowadays our world seems to be small due to cars, trains and airplanes. It means we can cover thousands of kilometer distances by the cars or trains or airplanes within few days or hours. This all vehicles and airplanes works on the principle of steam engine discovered by James Watt. Also all the devices in the industries and factories are also the upgraded version of James Watt creation. At the of 38 years , in 1774 AD James Watt went to England from Scotland. In Birmingham city of England James Watt meet with industrialist Mathew Bolton of the manufacturing companies. In the partnership James Watt started to works in manufacture of steam engine. Before this James work have worked as a surveyor of all Scotland drainage system building and repairing company. During the survey in 1774 AD James have leave his pregnant wife Margaret in her parent house in Glasgow. During his survey he received an information that his wife was seriously ill. It was bad luck that before he reach Glasgow, his wife was death. Margaret was not only his wife but his helper, coworker and a good friend. Margaret have encourage him to built the steam engine. She have support, helps, give companion and facilitate James Watt as much as she can. So James Watt falls in deep sorrow due to the sudden death of his wife. Though with the grief of wife death James Watt doesn’t stop his ambition to develop the steam engine. In 1777 AD, in summer season James Watt marry with second wife called Anna. In 1777 AD James went to London in a place called Cornwall. There in two mines he fitted ‘ Bolton and Watt pump’. Those pump was invented by Bolton and James Watt. After fitting of those pumps there is drastic changes in the mines of Cornwall. First up all those previous pump of Nuke man company takes one month to evacuated the water from mines. After fitting ‘Bolton and Watt pump’ it take only one week to evacuate the water present inside the mines by consuming one-fourth of the fuel consumed by Nuke man pumps. Due to this James Watt pump’ Bolton and Watt pump’ became famous not only over England and Scotland but all over the Europe. In those days wheat flour were manufactured in factories which runs from the wheel. James Watt started to imagine about the idea to run those wheels by the help of steam engine. At the age of 45 years, within a month be generate an idea to run the wheel. He built new types of steam engine which can make rotatory motion.He named it the wheel of sun and planet. This was the next biggest invention of James Watt because only after this invention of rotatory motion by steam engine it became possible to attached steam engine into the engine of industries and factories. In 1781 AD he received a patent from his invention. In 1782 AD he patent next engine which can perform both lift and carrying works at a time. In same year he create the Horse power unit to measure the power of device. Horse power means the simple unit of working capacity of a device. One unit of horse power help to lift 33,000 pounds of weight at the height if 1 feet in 1 minute. This measurement became the unit of Horse power. After invention of rotating engine , it was fitted and joined with many factories and industries.In 1785 AD the sewing machine developed by Edmond was joined successfully with steam engine. Similarly world first train invented by Richard Trevithick also used James Watt steam engine to run his train.

steam engine car

 Later James Watt steam engine were modernize by George Stephenson and convert steam engine into the motor engine. In London at the age of 83 year ,in 25 August, 1819 AD world greatest scientists James Watt leave this earth.

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