Johannes Kepler short biography of scientist who give the law of planetary motion
Johannes Kepler was born in south Germany in a city called wilder in a 1571 AD. At the age of 4 years he suffered from smallpox. His eyesight decrease and limbs became very weak. His father was a soldier. His mother was from a reputed family. His father used to be in the addiction. Mother was also mentally very depressed. Besides this all Johannes was very talent from childhood. A church administration give him bright future and he joined in the church school to study religious science . Johannes was the first to published the scientific facts about the revolution of planets and satellites. In 1618 AD he published the explanation of the revolution and movement of planets. He knows that his publications will be against the religion and will not be accepted . He have accepted that the Centre of solar system is the sun and not the earth. It's the scientific truth but people were not accepting this truth. Beside this he also claimed that the earth doesn't revolve in circular motion around the sun. This also was not accepted because from early century long , people believed that circular motion is only the best suitable for the motion of planet. He got scholarship from tubinjan university. He got leave his aim to became priest. In 23 years age he was invited by grath university and is selected as the lecturer of cosmology. He got married with a girl from wealthy family. It seems like his life was in upward direction. But meanwhile the religious movement take place which compelled him to leave the city. During that time famous cosmologist of Denmark Tycho Brahe also was in exile and is living in Prague. This two scientist's meet each other. But Tycho was the opposition of Kepler. Because he was the deep believer of god. He used to said that if we accept the sun as the center of solar system then it will be against the science law. This old concept were accepted for long time. Tycho said that star ,planets, comets all revolved around the earth. Tycho appointed Kepler as his asistance. Tycho died in 1601 AD. Kepler continue his study in planets. Kepler was able to give the Kepler law of planetary motion as per his continue research. This law were later explained by the newton. Kepler died in 1630 AD before the birth of Sir Isaac Newton.
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