Who was Louis Pasteur? What is his famous work?

bacteria shape

The great scientists Louis Pasteur was born after two days of Christmas in 1822 AD. His father was a soldier at first and after the downfall of Napoleon he works in a leather refining company. His leather refining company was earning good income for livelihood. In young age Louis Pasteur was interested in drawings. He never gets an Academic lesson for study. Whatever he learned they are from his own interest and labor. He made many sketch of his parents and friends. Those sketch were kept safely in the Pasteur institute of France. His father have big aspect from him. His father want him to be a school teacher of higher secondary level in their state. In young age he doesn't show any sign of teachers and learner. After 16 years he leave the arts and became busy on studying the chemistry. In same years from his labor chemistry prof.Lorderate appoint him as an assistant of his laboratory. After few years in 1849 AD Rutherford was appointed as a lecturer of chemistry in Strabburg University. During his work in Strabburg university he was fall in love with the daughter rector from same university. He got married with her in 29 May 1849 AD. During marital ceremony Louis Pasteur didn't arrived on time. When groom didn't arrived in time then all the relatives of both were in trouble. Louis Pasteur friends went to search him and found him deeply concentrating inside his silent laboratory. After marriage he spent most of his time inside the laboratory. From early 5:00 am to 12:00 am night he used to be busy inside the laboratory. Anyways Louis Pasteur married life remains  very successful one. Pasteur wife Mary support him on his research works and studies till the last breath. She play vital role in the success of Pasteur researches and experiments. Both couple also suffer a lot of distress. Their nine years old child passed away.In 1865 AD their 2 years old daughter also died. After that 12 years son also died.Louis Pasteur research was on the way of utilizing the micro-organisms for the treatment of severe diseases. From his experiment Louis Pasteur made the vaccines of rabies. Louis Pasteur made vaccines by collecting the saliva of the infected dogs and injected to the patient.  In this way he get success for the treatment of rabies patients . Louis Pasteur put forward his concept that microbes doesn't originated from the matters. In those days people used to believe that microbes originate from different types of materials. After few days of his theory, in France one biggest sericulture industry get ruined due to unknown diseases. Louis Pasteur was chosen to find the solution of these problems. After 3 years of his hard works Louis Pasteur found that the diseases in silkworm were heriditary and is transmitted from one generation to another generation through eggs. So he suggest to destroy all those infected eggs and replace it by healthy eggs. As per his suggestion sericulture farmer used new healthy eggs and got good results. The farmers were very happy from Pasteur works and made statue of him in their town. His famous work is considered as the Pasteurization. In those days France Liquor industries were badly ruined by some types of unknown diseases. The grapes which are collected for making alcohol get rotten earlier then the processing. Pasteur was requested to find the solution of this problems. Pasteur discovered some microbes were responsible for the spoiling of grapes. He found that so many natural changes were occurred due to tiny microscopic organism. He also found that if alcohol is heated to 55 degree Celsius then we get rid from those microbes. This process was called Pasteurization.  Nowadays also Pasteurization is used to keep milk and milk products fresh for long time. He also found that the wounded people get infection due to microbes present in air and from the hand of doctor and nurses. Louis Pasteur was a great patriotic, humanitarian, and the peace lovers.In 1870 AD when Germany attack France , in the response of it Pasteur returned his PhD certificate provided by German university. He had said that all his research and studies were for the peace and welfare of all human beings. In the honor of Pasteur in 14th November 1818 AD, Pasteur institute was established in France. Pasteur continues his research work in Pasteur institute from its established day to end of his life. During his 70th birthday ceremony in university, he was delivering speeches. He was attacked by heatstroke and was unable to deliver his written speech. His son help to read his speech. After that days his fever continues.  In 27th September 1895 AD this great scientist leave our earth.

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