Sir C.V Raman an Indian famous scientists

Blue ocean

Chandra Shekhar Venkat Raman was born in trichanapalli of South India. His father was a lecturer of physics. Raman was very intelligent in study from early age. At the age of 12 years he passed matric. His father want to send him in foreign country to get higher education, but as per the suggestion from British surgeon he didn't send him to foreign country. In 1908AD he complete Bsc from presidency college of Madras. He complete MSc in physics in 1907 AD. He have secured top mark of university during his MSc exam. During the student life he had completed many important major work in physics. There were no people's in the field of physics who didn't know C.V Raman. He was the first Indian scientists who received noble prize in physics from the discovery of Raman effects. The device which he used to discover the Raman effect was very cheap. Nowadays this device is very expansive. In 1906 he prepared thesis on the light properties. In 1907 AD when he passed Civil service he was appointed as the asistane General of accounting in culcatta. While working in this field his interest in science doesn't decrease. After office work he used to spend his time in Indian association for cultivation of science lab. Sometimes he spend whole night in this lab. The secretary of Indian association of science became the source of his inspiration. In 1917AD he resigned from his job and became the professor of physics in culcatta university. In1917AD while going to Europe he have to travel through ship. During this journey he saw the deep blue light emerging from the glacier and the middle ocean. His keen interest developed to find the source of such blue light. After returning in India he use different shapes ice blocks and transparent water and passes sun rays to produce different colored light. After several experiment he discovered the mystery of blue color of ocean. He named it Raman effects. There were several application of Raman effects in the field of physics. This Raman effects helps to discovered more the two thousands structure of matter within 10 years. In 1924AD he was appointed as the member of royal society of London. In 1943 AD he established the Raman research institute. His message to younger scientists was "In the research field hard work and free mind is better then the advance technology ". He involved in lecture and research in whole life. He never became interested in high post. He died in 1970 AD.

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