What is Chandrasekhar limits?
White dwarfs cannot have more mass than 1.4 M○ because the white dwarf structure becomes unstable at this point. If you tried to dump more mass on the surface of a 1.4-M○ white dwarf ,it's gravity would become so strong that it would overcome the resistance of the electrons to denser packing. A still denser state of matter would arise. The critical mass, 1.4 M○ , is called the Chandra sekhar limit after its Indian- American astrophysicist discoverer. Stars with masses from about 0.08 to 1.4M○ apparently evolve smoothly to the white dwarf state. Current data suggest that stars from 1.4 to about 6M○ also evolve into white dwarfs by developing strong stellar winds (like the solar wind) or eruptive explosions that blow off mass until they are below the Chandrasekhar limit.
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