Why the great scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer have to regret by own success?


Nuclear bomb loading in fighter plane

Oppenheimer was born in April 22, 1905 AD. His father was the citizen of Germany. His father and mother both were from the Jews family. Oppenheimer family were rich, generous and the educated family. Little boy Oppenheimer was very talent in his academic lesson. When Oppenheimer was 5 years old his grandfather gave him a piece of rock, which create the base of interest in Geology subject. Oppenheimer mother taught him drawings and music. He built interest to be a successful designer. When Oppenheimer reach to 7 years he change his interest and diverted towards the poem writer. Oppenheimer most favorite toys was microscope. His favorite game is to observe the liquid particles and to recognize the tiny microbes. He got education from very good school were he develop the self confidence in life. In youth Oppenheimer learns French, Spanish, Italian and Greek language.

It was the incident while Oppenheimer was 12 years old, one club invited him to delivered speech. He was very nervous before the speech. He share this to his father and father give him hope and courage. So Oppenheimer go to the stage with confident and delivered his speech. His speech were related to the stone found in Manhattan. His speech were so powerful and liked by people, it was printed in the club magazine. While Oppenheimer was 17 years his migrate to America.In 19 years Oppenheimer join to Harvard University for academic study. In his bachelor exam Oppenheimer secured such a great marks which became the top marks ever been obtained in the history of Harvard University. During that time his Physics teacher have said that,”Oppenheimer will not shake the Physics but whole the World”. As told is to be truth, Oppenheimer shake the entire world. It was 5:30 am morning,16th July 1945 AD, world first nuclear bomb was tested. This date remains in the record of the world historical events. For the testing of Nuclear bomb, small desert situated at 200 miles away from Las Alamos was chosen. On the rocky surface 100 feet high metallic tower was built were the nuclear was kept. Thousand of people have gathered from far places to observe the testing. In exact preset time the nuclear bomb explode with tremendous sound and light flames. Oppenheimer who was inside the safe control unit, nine miles away from the testing sites also experience the extreme heat. Due to explosion huge clouds of 40000 feet height appears on the ground. Hundred feet high metallic tower turn into an ashes. The sands present on the ground melted into glass. All the animals which are in 100 miles periphery was killed. Even the reptiles hiding deep underneath holes were killed. The animal fur were brushes by waves which are in 20-30 miles periphery. This explosion was seen by people who are looking from 450 miles far distance.

This successful testing lead by Oppenheimer shake entire world and all powerful country was under the suppression of USA. USA doesn’t stop within the test. It was the time of second world war. 7th August 1945 AD, USA dropped Uranium bomb in Hiroshima. The explosion of bomb was equivalent to the 20,000 tons of TNT. This bomb was exploded from 1800 feet above the ground level. 80,000 people were instantly killed. More than 70 thousand people were severely injured. The destruction of this town seems to be like the end of human civilization. After 3 days of first explosion in 9th August 1945 AD, USA dropped second Plutonium bomb in Nagasaki.More than 40 thousand people were killed instantly. More than 25 thousand people were extremely injured. From this two extreme massacre and destruction, Japan Surrender to USA in 10th August,1945 A.D without any treaties. After this incident Oppenheimer cried from inner heart. He send his resignation letter to President. America have badly take the advantage of scientists. Oppenheimer wants to limits his testing within the experiment. Oppenheimer didn’t made this bomb himself, neither the principle on which nuclear bombs work. This was the result of combine works of team of renowned scientists. Since he was the President of the nuclear bomb testing committee, he was considered as the father of nuclear bomb. For the development of nuclear bomb and the working principle of nuclear bomb, Oppenheimer along with Otto Hahn, Compton, Fermi and Einstein have played vital role. From early 1941 AD, Oppenheimer have made the plan to develop the first American nuclear bomb. In May 1942 AD he became the project coordinator of nuclear development committee. In 1943 AD Oppenheimer made a team of scientists for his project called Manhattan project. He was the chief science director of the Manhattan project. How is nuclear bomb built? It is still remain as a top secret. But under the supervision of Oppenheimer, group of scientists works day and night and tested the first nuclear bomb in 16th July,1945 AD. After second world war Oppenheimer resign from the Las Alamos. In 1947 AD he became the president of nuclear power plant development committee. It works for the nuclear power plant to meet the demand of the electricity. In 1963 AD he was honored with especial medal for his contribution in world war. In 1963 AD he was honored by Enrico Fermi award. This award was the Top award ever been provided by the American government. Oppenheimer leave this earth in 1967 AD.

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