Amazing fact about Spider


Spider are the common insect which are found around us . Some are small and some are bigger in size. some are very poisonous and some are non-poisonous. Here are some facts about the spider. They are given below:

  1. Spiders belong to the phylumArthropoda and class Arachnida.
  2. The term Arachnida is a Greek derivation from the word Arachne which means 'Spider'.
  3. Spinnerets, located at the end of the abdomen, are glands used to secrete silk for web making. goliath bird -eater spider as well as tarantula species are known known for their ability to make noise. Unlike other species that mone silently and secretly, the Goliath bird eater is capable of making a loud hissing noise by rubbing together the bristle on its legs.  
  4. The mouth parts of all spiders are adapted for taking only liquid food, They partially digest the food material externally by enzyme which contains digestive juices to breakdown the food into a broth before absorption.
  5. Spiders are predators. They mainly eat insects and sometimes other spiders. Only sometimes other spiders. Only a few species such as tarantulas and black widow spiders  may be considered dangerous.However the bite of the tarantula has been compared to only a bee sting.
  6.  HOwever  bite of the black widow spider has been reported to lead to death if not treated as their venom is neurotoxic.
  7. Each species of spidewrs has its own range of vsual, tactile, vibratory and olfactory signals.
  8. In amny species , the males are smaller than the females and also more dull coloured in contrast.
  9. Spider venom is mainly used for killing prey and rarely for defence.
  10. The silk of Nephila spiders is the strongest natural fibre known. The South Sea Islanders use the silk of these spiders to make tote bags and fishnets.
  11. Nephila Clavipes is an American spider from which 150 yards of silk per spider can be collected.
  12. It would take the work of 415 spiders to make a square yard of cloth. Spider silk has no commercial value.

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