Butterfly interesting facts which you may in unaware of


The words butterfly is derived from the English word Buttorfleage. The original name that is given for the butterfly was flutterby. Butterflies and moths are found on all land masses of our earth except Antarctica. Butterflies and moths are found on all land of this earth masses except Antarctica

. Butterflies , along with moths, belong to an order called 'Lepidoptera'. Butterflies, based on their wing structure, are further divided into 30 orders. Night butterflies avoid bats using the ears on their wings. Butterflies have their taste sensors below their feet. They taste with their feet to find out whether the leaf they sit on is good to lay eggs. The colour in a butterfly wings and the beautiful patches does not come from pigment but is produced prism like by light reflected on their transparent wing scales. To be able to fly, a butterfly has to have a boy temperature greater than 86 degrees. A butterfly can see the colours red , green and yellow where as other are invisible . The Goliath Birding butterfly is the second largest butterfly in the world.

It lives in Indonesian rainforest and has a wingspan up to 11 inches.It has black, yellow and green wings and a yellow and black body with very unique feature. The world's smallest butterfly is Western Pygmy Blue. The major cause of death of the Cabbage White larvae is rain, which knocks them off their plants where they drown or are severely injured. The Brimestone butterfly has the longest lifetime of the adult butterflies for about 9-10 months. The fastest flying butterfly is the Monarch. It has been clocked with the speed as high as 17 miles per hour. Monarch butterflies journey from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico ,a distance of about 2000 miles and return to the north again in the spring season in this way this continues. Mourning Cloak butterfly plays dead in order to escape predators and protect.The Red Admiral butterfly is strikingly beautiful with red stripes on each of its wings and white spots on the tips of its forewings. The largest butterfly is the Queen Alexandria Birding butterfly from Papua New Guinea. The wingspan of the butterfly can be reach to almost one foot.

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