Cabbage is rich in vitamins

Green vegetables

Cabbage grows just about everywhere , even in the Arctic region. Some say that its name originated back in Ancient Rome, coming from the latin word "caput", which means "head". many national dishes would simply be inconceivable without cabbage. And even in antiquity this plant gave man not only food , but also medicine. Its curative properties were remarked upon by Hippocrates,Aristotle and Pliny. The Romans used cabbage for headaches and insomnia, to stops the flow of bleeding wounds and relieve the pains of childbirth. Modern medicine supports the ancients view about the extraordinary curative potential of cabage. scientist have shown that cabbage contains substances which increases the immunity of the human body and stop it from ageing prematurely. cabbage is rich in vitamins. In fact, it contains even more Vitamin C than apples, peaches or bananas. Just 250 grams of raw cabbage will provide an adults daily requirement of Vitamin C. The microelement contained in cabbage regulate the metabolism, which is of particular value as man advances in age , and play a vital role in the growth and development of a child's organism. Some of its components preclude the formation of patches on vascular walls and of stones in the gall bladderThe raw cellulose contained in cabbage is particularly beneficial to human health. Firstly it removes cholesterol , thus warding off atherosclerosis. And secondly it prevents the assimilation of carbohydrates, which makes it a must for those suffering from diabetes. Incidentally, the green leaves of early cabbage varieties are particularly valuable for those with anaemia since they contain the greatest amount of vitamins. Another valuable substance in cabbage - tartronic acid inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. It is therefore useful for those who are watching their weight. A helping of cabbage salad a day is the simplest way to stay slim. It is also a painless way of dieting.A hundred grams of cabbage yield only 30 kilocalories(by comparison, a hundred grams of wheat bread yield 240 kilocalories ). With minimum caloric value , cabbage has maximum biological value. In addition it creates a lasting feeling of being full. Finally it makes for idealdigestion. Doctors have established that fresh cabbage juice helps to cure stomach and duodenal ulcers and to treat gastritis( in the case of low acidity). From fresh cabbage scientists have isolated a new component, an antiulcerous factor.

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