Eyes : Windows of the world


Most people strain their eyes reading in bad light, in a moving vehicle, by sitting in a wrong posture or by staring fixedly at any object. Reading with strained eyes will only spoil your eyes further. This results in the eye muscle losing its elasticity and requiring the help of spectacles. mental strain brings a corresponding strain on the eyes , their muscles and nerves. This results in a defective vision. A throrough cleansing of your whole system and a complete change in your eating and living habits is a condition that must be fulfilled before eye care. Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and sprouts. Do not eat heavy spicy, fried or non-vegetarian food. Do not overcook your food for it kills the vitamins. Drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of water a day. keep regular hours of eating and sleeping and do yoga or exercise regularly. Fasting can do wonders for you. you can fast by drinking lemon juice with honey four times a day. This will help flush out all toxins from your system and release the accumulated waste products clogging the blood vessels and muscles surrounding the eyes. As a result the muscles are relaxed and the vision is improved. One of the most beneficial food for the eyes is vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary to guard against strain of eyes and night blindness and also keep them clear and bright. All yellow fruits and vegetables contain carotene. This is converted into vitamin A in the liver. You must include plenty of carrots, spinach and other yellow and green vegetables in your diet for vitamin A. A glass of carrot juice a day is what all your eyes need to fight strain. The application of a mud pack or a cold compress over the eyes relieves burning, inflammation, itching, watering,tiredness and strain. Read under bright natural light and maintain a correct posture. When eyes are strained ,close them for a few seconds and relax. Your vision will be sharper when you open them. Blinking frequently also helps . Green light relaxes the eye muscles and retina. It also strengthens them. Looking at the grasslands, gazing at green grass and trees is therefore greatly helpful. Flower pots and potted shrubs in your room or office are a feast to the eyes. Palming the eyes by cupping hands gently over them relaxes and gives vigour to them. Close the eyes while facing the sun and gently move the head from side to side. This ensures rays falling on all parts of your eyes. Splashing of cold water tones up the eyes and the surrounding tissues. Swinging the eyes from side to side, diagonally, from side to side, diagonally , from side to side, diagonally from up to down and in a circular motion strengthens eyes and puts right sight defects.

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