Four monkey lesson of Gandhi for self protection from Corona Virus


four monkey lesson
Currently we are in the Pandemic phases and many people have loose their life. Lot of people loss the life due to lack of proper treatment and also proper facilities of medical care. Till today no any exact medicine were prepared to completely cure the infected patient. So we should apply all the possible preventive measure to protect ourself from this infection. 

Mode of transmission:

- Through small dust particle present in air

- Through every substances like paper, plastics, wood, metals and non metal.

- Through polluted waters.

- Through direct touch or contact with patient.

Gandhiji Four Monkey Formula of Covid-19 shield:

Once Gandhiji was gifted by four wise monkey from the Chinese Representative. Gandhiji received great lesson from four monkey which lead him to successful satyagraha movement. Here again the four monkey lesson can be implemented for understanding the proper preventive steps from corona virus infection.

1st monkey - Closing Eye :

It indicate that the Eye is the most sensitive part of our body and also very easy path for the entry of Corona Virus. We must take care of our eyes. While going outside in infected zone please don't forget to put spectacle or eyeglass or cover. Change your habit of frequently touching the eyes by your hand. Clean your eyes with fresh and clean water.

2nd monkey - Closing Ear :

It indicate that the Ear is also the most sensitive part of our body and also very easy path for the entry of Corona virus. We must take care of ears. While taking bath or travelling outside don't let dust or polluted water enter in our ear. So use proper ear shield for protection. Leave the habit of frequently touching your ears.

3rd monkey - Closing Mouth :

It gives us lesson that nose and mouth is our most sensitive part and also easy tract for virus to enters our body. Use mask for covering your nose and mouth. The dust which are invisible by our eyes are carrying the viruses. mask prevent the direct entry of dust in our body through nose and mouth. leave the habit of frequently touching the nose and mouth.

4th monkey - Holding phone : 

It said that stay in home , stay in room and don't go outside without reason. Spend most of time in home quarantine during lockdown. Leave the habit of touching every material and also handshaking or direct contact with friends and people. Stay safe and healthy

Thanks for reading and please don't forget to comment me in down bottom.

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