Google AdSense : Easy step for approval in your websites

If your are Blogger or Wordpress user and your are working in websites for passion and earning you need to get Google Adsense approval first. Nowadays it is the Pandemic period and lot of Google Staff are in leave so Google rarely give an approval. But if you fulfill work plan  you will surely get approval within few post. 


Work number 1:

Download the SEO friendly free theme 2021 for website. Better use the paid theme for extra services. Remove the unnecessary widgets from the layout of your costume theme. Visit for wordpress theme.

Visit for blogger theme.

Work number2: 

Write at least 15-20 unique articles of at least 600 words. Check the Plagiarism visiting Make sure that your articles have 0% plagiarism. Write your articles in a standard grammar format. Note that you must use only one language in articles(better in English).

Work number3: 

Use the picture or photo in your website which are Copyright free or which are capture from your own camera. To download beautiful copyright free photo visit here . Note that you must use less number of picture on your page for better performance. While your uploading photo don't forget to fill the setting of photo. Make the size of photo original size. 

Work number 4:

At the left top corner of your article page click on the page setting icon. Fill the labels of one words,Like if your articles are about scientific fact, you can write 'science' as a  labels. Note that if you give label like 'world news' then you most have to write it as 'worldnews' without any space between them. Click on search description and fill them with at least 120 words which should contain the heading of an article. 

Work number 5: Manage your setting of the blog properly. Give the title name of your websites of at least 20 words with the description of about 120 words. 

Work number 6: Go to the Google search console of indexing your Webpage Url in google. Go to Google Analytic for the improvement of your websites. Visit Google Pagespeed insight to improve the speed of your website.

Visit here

Work number 7: After all setting ,click on earning and apply for the GoogleAdsense and wait for 7 to 14 days for an approval. You will surely get the GoogleadSense approval.

If you don't get AdSense approval after this work, please comment below for more information. I will come in next articles with what to do after you get an approval from Google adSense.

How to get google approval quickly

How to generate Privacy Policies, Disclaimer,Terms and Conditions,Non-Disclosure Agreement Template in Blog 2021

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