Great leaders of the world - Theodore Roosevelt



Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York city on 27 October, 1858. His father, Claes Van Roosevelt, was a wealthy aristocrat of Dutch descent. He was a prominent merchant and was known for his honesty and discipline. His father's strong moral sense exercised great influence on him. Politics with ethics and moral values always appealed to him. Politics with ethics and moral values always appealed to him. Throughout his life he worked to stamp out all forms of corruption in business, services, police force and the government. In 1812, before his graduation, he published his book ' History of the naval war of 1812'. In 1876 he went to Havard and completed his graduation four years later, at the age of 22. Later he studied Law. At the age of 23 he was elected to the Assembly of New York State. He represented the Republican Party on a personal, independent platform of anti-corruption. In 1884 his mother and his first wife Alice passed away, with a few hours difference. He withdrew from public life in great distress both on his personal front as well as politics for two years. He married Edith Carow and returned to politics in 1886. Three years later , in 1889, impressed by Roosevelts contribution to the National Conference of civil Service Reformers at Baltimore, President Harrison made him Menber of the Civil Service Commission, which was held by him for five years. Later he became police commissioner of Police , he cleansed the system and made New York Police forces in the country. The he served for some time as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, which under his 'Corrective Zeal' was made a model in many ways. Later on he became Lieutenant- Colonel in a Volunteer Cavalry unit, the 'Rough Riders'. The unit was disband after the Spanish American War ended. The Revolution party heads nominated his name for the lack lustre and powerless Vice-President Post in 1900. But when President Mc Kinley was assassinated , Roosevelt became the first executive of his country, President. He held the President's post for seven years. In 1904 when his first tenure was over, he was re-elected. he announced that he would not contest in 1908 for a third time. He kept up his word. he had to his credit, a great many achievements. He was responsible for the building of the Panama Canal, which was opened a year after his death. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for the same. He cleansed politics , police service, the services of his own country, amicably settled a long and crippling coal strike. He was also the first American President who Conservation of Natural Resources.

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