Health : how to keep the heart diseases away

  There is always a preventive way which i'm going to share in the topic Health : how to keep the heart diseases away. Before this I had share about how the heart diseases occurs. You must read the causes of heart diseases .

Now I'm going to share with you how to keep heart diseases away. There is only three things on which you need to keep your sound body and sound mind and get rid of heart diseases. They are as follows:


You shouldn't avoid the EXERCISE! if you are overweight or normal. People have hardly any time for any standard exercise regime. In addition to it, the sophisticated gadgets have lessened the burden of strenuous work that involves lot of muscular activity. Thus increased mechanization led  led to sedentary lifestyle, which is one of the reasons for the prevalence of heart disease. 

STRESS! due to competition, deadlines to meet, overwork,family needs etc promotes Heart diseases. So best method to get rid of STRESS is YOGA and MEDITATION. Their is Different between Yoga and Mediation. There are different types of Yoga with different Asana like Bhujanga Asana, Matsya Asana, Sarpa Asana, Vajra Asana etc. Yoga and Meditation will helps you to achieve sound body and sound mind. Besides this fasting once a week is pretty crazy practice, but this is also one of the important simple tactics to maintain the balance of nutrition in your body.

Physical exercise like aerobic exercise, brisk walking, cycling, jogging, swimming, running and jumping rope etc help to keeps the heart diseases away. This myraid physical activity , which is the most neglected aspects of healthful living, lowers blood pressure, controls weight, improves blood circulation, increases levels of high-density lipoproteins(the 'good' cholesterol) in blood, and lowers stress. This also possibly leads to longevity, delays the process of ageing.

CLICK HERE for How to avoid the process of ageing and wrinkles in face? or ageing which will also helps to get rid of heart diseases.



Besides moderate physical activity, dietary habits play a vital role in the prevention of heart disease. We must avoid transfats or hydrogenated vegetable oil that lowers HDL of good cholesterol. We must also avoid reheating or re-using the same oil which is already heated. It is because it leads to the production of trans-fatty oils . These trans-fatty oils can be found in our favorite snacks like samosas, junk food and bakery products. A classic example of this is Vanaspati ghee or fatty oil. Saturated fats increase plasma cholesterol levels and clot formation in the blood vessels. These are mainly present in animal foods like meat, whole milk and milk products produce from it and in some vegetable oils viz. coconut, palm and palmolein oil. Unsaturated fatty oils are beneficial to the heart. There are two types : PUFA and MUFA. These are known to reduce serum cholesterol levels. A few PUFA oils are: Safflower (kardi), Sunflower, Corn and Soyabean oil; Olive, Groundnut and Canola oil are rich sources of MUFA. Fibre, soluble , non-soluble which is found in plant foods plays a role in preventing heart diseases. They are found in oats, cluster beans, lentils, whole grains and fruits like apple guava and pear. Some plant foods have phytochemicals which can neutralize free redicals. Thus they are antioxidants. Foods rich in antioxidants are fresh fruits, and vegetables. Beta Carotene, Vitamin C and E, minerals like Selenium, iron, Copper and Zinc, are richly found in these. Green tea, black tea, coloured fruits , and vegetables, onion, garlic, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and soyabean are also rich in antioxidants. Thus to keep your heart beat healthy, adopt a simple life style, include physical activity, perform yoga and meditate to have a stress-free schedule. Above all, less sugar and fat-free food with above safety measures, is the best penacea to a healthy life.


Besides the other activities , recreational activities such as dancing, listening to music, vacationing etc also ease our tensions. Dancing will directly impact our body any mind and helps us to set free from mental stress and provide physical exercises. Listening music helps to decreases the mental stress, pain and helps to get rid from loneliness. One must visit new place for Tour, Trekking and Camping. This will help for recreation and get relief from long term stress and burden.

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