How to avoid the process of ageing and wrinkles in face?

Most people would like to live a long time; nobody wants to grow old. But growing old is a process that begins with birth itself and continues throughout life.As a person grows older and older so many changes take place in metabolic activity. Some of a person's strength is lost , and the senses become duller. Usually there is loss in weight and height. Along with this may come a failing of eyesight, partial deafness, gray hair, and flabby and elastic skin with wrinkles. All people do not age at the same rate but the changes that come with age cannot be escaped. this is simply because, as we grow older, our body tissues and in all its organs many changes take place. for instance, the tissue cells of the kidney, liver, pancreas, and spleen begin to waste away as the blood vessels that supply blood and nourishment also have grown old. Similarly the glandular function of glands such as Thyroid also decreases. The circulatory and respiratory system also begin to degenerate or waste away. The other changes happen in digestive tracts, where there is a cutting down of gastric juices ; stomach and intestines lose their muscle tone and the blood supply is also disturbed. These changes are biological and cannot be prevented. Inspite of being fully aware, many of us are worried and dreaded about the most prominent signs of old age, wrinkles. questions such as why they appear, how to prevent or delay them rage our minds. The simple fact to learn about it is as to what causes them and then think whether it is as to what causes them and then think whether it is really possible to stop aging. Wrinkles on the skin are common phenomenon during old age. The skin that covers the entire human body is the largest functional organ. It has to perform various functions during the lifetime of a person. In the process it has to withstand lot of wear and tear. When one starts ageing, a gradual decline starts in it and the skin slowly loses its vigour and elasticity. As a result, skin starts sagging and finally wrinkles appear on it. The wrinkles can be clearly seen on the face, neck and arms. Wrinkles are seen not only during old age but also when a child is born. a newborn's child skin is too big for its body. But the skin is so elastic, that it gets stretched within six months and fits the body well. As we grow, say towards 40 or 50 the process of wrinkling slowly sets in . A healthy person normally does not develop wrinkles upto the age of 40 or 50. But after 50 the skin  becomes loose and wrinkles start appearing visibly. During young age , the Oestrogen hormone in women keeps the skin look young. At this age ' elastin protein',which is present in sufficient quantity also maintains the elasticity of the skin. When one turns 50, the production of elastin protein decreases, the skin starts losing elasticity. Once we are above 60, elastin begins to waste away from our body due to which our skin loses elasticity. At the age of 70 wrinkles become more prominent as the activity of sweat glands decreases. If you keep aside the ageing factor, there are a few other reasons that might cause this problem. For instance , the ultraviolet rays which are harmful to the skin, dry out the bodily oils. Hence wrinkles are more prominent on the persons who spend more time in the Sun. The persons who do not take wholesome diet and thereby lose weight also develop wrinkles. This is because with the loss in weight, fat cells beneath the skin surface get reduced and wrinkles appear. Hence you can only take care of , perhaps, the last two factors, to delay the prominent appearance of wrinkles.  

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