The Cobra is the most well known among the 3000 plus species of snakes in the world. A fully grown Cobra is about 180cm long with a circumference of about 15cm. It is highly poisonous and has very powerful poison in it upper fang.
When it expands the ribs in the neck, the loose skin of that region is stretched out, forming the hood that differentiates it from other snakes. It was the Portuguese who called it Cobra-de-capello meaning 'the hooded snake'.
     The digestive juices in it's stomach help to digest whole creature hair, hide and bones. It can go with out food for long periods. Like other snakes the cobra's eyes have no eyelids, and therefore, always remain open. It also has no ears. From time to time it sheds it's skin appears brand new shining.
    The Cobra strikes and bites. On rare occasions it spits it's venom and throws it to some distance aiming accurately.
     The king Cobra ( Rajanagam) is the largest of all poisonous snakes, but it attacks men only when it is provoked. It is 5.50 meters eater. A king Cobra has enough poison to kill ten men, but it feeds mainly on other snakes.

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