Surprising facts :


surprising facts

Here are some facts on a variety of subjects to enrich one's knowledge.

1) Desert locust is the most destructive insect in the world. It is found in dry and semi-dry areas of Africa, West Asia, and India. It is capable of eating its own weight in a day.

2) The human eye blinks about once every 5 seconds. The average person who remains awake for 16 hours blinks about 11,500 times a day.

3) Our jaw muscles can close the teeth with a force as great as 24 kilos on the incisors and 90 kilos on the molars.

4) The average spider takes 30 to 60 minutes to finish a round web.

5) The sun is a very bright ball of gases glowing with heat. It is mainly hydrogen(about 73%) and helium ( about 25%). The sun's centre is more or less 27 million degrees Fahrenheit; the sun's surface about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

6) As much as 40 to 50 percent of the total body heat is lost through the head when a person is not wearing a hat. But the heat loss depends on how hard the heart is working to circulate blood to the head.

7) Common cold is the most common disease spread by contact. It is an illness in which there is sneezing, coughing and running nose. gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums is the most common noncontagious disease.

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