Ten Golden Maxims:

Many years ago an insurance company in USA issued a small card, printed with "Ten Golden Maxims". In the home, or in the office, shop or factory, or at school, or wherever we are, we can make ourselves better, happier, and more successful, if we will remember and abide by them.

1. Honour the chief. There must be a head of everything.
2. Be confidence and make yourself fit.
3. Handle the hardest job first each day. Easy ones are then pleasures.
4. Hormonise your work. Let sunshine radiate and penetrate.
5. Donot be afraid of criticism. Criticize yourself often.
6. Be glad and rejoice in other fellows success. Study his methods.
7. Donot be misled by dislikes. Acid ruins the finest fabric.
8. Be enthusiastic. It is contagious.
9. Donot have the concept that success means simply making money.
10. Be fair, and do at least one decent act every day in the year.

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