The fluids circulating in our body


There are almost 5 litres (9pt) of blood in the adult human body. But it is not the only fluid to circulate. A substance which we called 'lymph' circulates over the body through a network of vessels throughout the body. Lymph is some what very similar in various composition to blood plasma. It is rather syrupy and slightly yellow. It can clot like blood. There are about 8 litres (14pt) in the body. It circulates not only in the lymphatic vessels, but also between the cells. Lymph is the fluid in which cells are immersed. A burst blister oozes a clear liquid. This is lymph. An Oedema is a swelling caused by an abnormal accumulation of lymph in the tissues . It comes from the blood and the small intestine. In fact , both blood vessels and lymphatic vessels come from the small intestine. The white corpuscles  in the lymph come from the same source as the white corpuscles in the blood. The lymph glands lie along the path of lymphatic vessels. When there is an infection these glands swell. There are many of them under the armpit, at the top of the thighs and in the neck. There is a continuous exchange between the lymph and the blood. Therefore ,the circulation of the lymph is directly connected with the blood circulation. All the lymph eventually passes through the blood circulation. The large lymphatic vessels empty into the Vena Cava, which ends in the hearts.

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