The utility of Cardamom our healthy life during pandemic


We know that cardamom is one of the most exported herbs in America, Canada, Australia, England,France and other European country. It is the expansive herbs and is used in various purpose😒. It is especially used in medical purpose whereas it is also used for giving very sweet flavor. The utility of the Cardamom are given below:

To stop giddiness

Take a few pods of cardamom and crush it whole husk and seed . Add water and jaggery to make a decoction. One ounce of this decoction taken three times a day can stop giddiness.😇😇😇

To cure atomia of the bladder: 

Ingredients: Seeds of cardamom 1-part and Kernels of muskmelon seeds - 2 parts Grind together finely to make about 3 gms of powder. Give orally with water to ease pressure on the bladder and stimulate flow of urine.

To stop stomach ache :

Take cardamom seeds and the root of long pepper. Grind together to make a fine powder and mix well with ghee. This mixture , taken orally , is sure to bring relief in most cases of stomach ache.

How to stop diarrhoea : 

Make a decoction out of the root and leaves of Ela( Cardamom plant)  with boiling water. Cool it down to drinkable temperature before administering it orally.

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