Vanity is empty pride


Vanity is empty pride. It is futility and unsubstantiality. Thomas a Kempis said, "He is truly great that is little in himself and that make no account of any height of other". These words are the quintessence of humility, when one is not arrogant of his successes nor does he complain about his misfortunes. He insists on living creatively everyday, every minute, to give happiness to himself and to share it with others. The reverse of this characteristic is vanity, a common trait that infects the mind and spirit of humanity.As a matter of fact, no one can escape it entirely in a lifetime. When we have vanity, we have conceit: and in both instances we tend to falsely believe we are more than what we are ,when, as a matter of fact, we know the truth-that we are , when, as a matter of fact, we know the truth - that we are less, much less, than what we can be. Then, in our secret embarrassment, we scratch for attention, but it ends in a fruitless effort. It's like scratching on marble. If truth be known or realised , we wind up disliking our own self, lost to our own self neglecting opportunities to find our ' big self ' and worthwhile goals. Once this realization dawns on us, we feel that there is nothing in vanity but defeat. Perhaps we would think twice before being vain if we realised that we are playing a depression game, a losing game that automatically makes us a member of the opinionated club; that we become little dictators who cannot relax, who cannot sleep. the cure for our ailment is simple : let us think kindly of ourselves, but don't gloat over successes. Be a good friend to our ownself and be a good friend to others. Like Thomas a Kempis said , we will be great if we don't make too great an account of our honours.   

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