Vegan health tips


Currently all of us are facing the panda mic period so it's very important to follow the health guide line inorder to protect ourself from the Corona virus. Beside the tips of how to be safe from virus here are some tips of health which we can apply while resting in home quarantine.
1) Try warm milk with honey at bedtime to get enough sleep.
2) Eat a carrot if you feel the need for better snack.
3) Brisk walk is needed for better health but in isolation or home stay we can do yoga and light exercises.
4) If your hair is falling massage castor oil into the scalp at bedtime and shampoo off in the morning. Take plenty of Vitamin B.
5) Dip small tea bags made out of muslin in boiling water for a few seconds. Then place them in the fridge. When resting after being active cover your eyes with these cold eyepads. This will help you get rid of dark rings under the eyes.

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