What is Osteoporosis?

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 October 20 is observed as International Osteoporosis day. It is an important day for Senior Citizens and for women who have stepped past their menopause. This day is allocated to check Bone Mineral Density(BMD) to see whether they are Osteoporotic or headed that way. So on Osteoporosis Day attention is turned to BMD. Osteoporosis is more common with increased age . It indicates the loss or thinning of bone tissue, which makes bones more brittle , and acknowledged as a leading cause of leading cause of death in older people.

The Onset Of Osteoporosis:

Bone tissue is built up by the deposition of minerals(mainly calcium) on a mesh of collagen fibres. It is continuously broken down and rebuilt in order to allow growth and repair . When resorption the rate at which fibres, minerlas , and cells are broken down - is faster than formation, Osteoporosis kicks on,. According to medical experts, when Osteoporosis sets in, bones can crumble like a dry cookie, with even a small fall. Healing is slow and difficult, because bone regeneration is really slow. World Health Organisation recognised Osteoporosis as a disease in 1994. Medical experts opine that women are more prone to this problem because of hormonal changes that occur in them, with one in three women over the age of 50 being affected worldwide as against one in eight men. Of late , there has been a dramatic rise in hip fractures due to Osteoporosis in Asia. 

Probable Factors:

There could be a number of factors including ingestion of steroids, a sedentary life style, early menopause, excessive smoking and alcohol consumption, and a diet poor in calcium during formative years. However , prevention can start right after puberty when healthy bone mass development begins. The peak period is between 20 and 30 years, when it is necessary to have proper diet and exercise. Aerobic exercise will go a long way in preventing osteoporosis later in life. it will increase blood supply to the musculature, strengtenig the joints and consequently , bones. While eating calcium - rich foods is sufficient for children, calcium and vitamin D supplements are probably required later in life in specific occasions such as pregnancy and lactation, post hysterectomy and oophorectomy( removal of ovaries) and for senior citizens. Other safety measure include avoidance of falls and resulting fractures; by providing proper lighting, vsion aids, if there is a vision defect, treading carefully over slippery floors and using footwear with a good grip. As it is often said that old age begins with the first fall and ends with teh second, we need to create awareness among people about Osteporosis and insist on the need for periodic testing Basic BMD Screening which is very affordable.

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