Health : Guavas contain large amount of Vitamin C


Guavas are of several varieties. But they can be classified into two main varieties - one which has a white kernel and the other with a red or pink kernel. The white kernel guavas taste sweet even if they are slightly unripe. The red or pink kernel guavas taste sweet only when fully ripened. Mostly white kernel variety guavas are available. The skin of red kernel variety guavas, when fully ripened, appear to be pale yellowish. Guavas trees are hardy type. 
                    Therefore , they can be raised in any conditions with any type of soil. It is relatively a pest-resistant tree and does not require pesticides and insecticides. It does not also require any manuring and can resist successfully drought once it becomes strong. Guavas contain plenty of water, small amounts of protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrate, iron and a large amount of vitamin C. Except the Indian gooseberry(amla), no other fruit or vegetable contain as high vitamin C as guava contains - not even oranges or lemons. When guava is over-ripened and soft, its vitamin C potency decreases. The skin of the guava and the kernel nearest to the skin contain the maximum amount of vitamin C . Guavas contain a large quantity of fibre. 
                   It purifies the blood stream. It also helps in strengthening the lungs, stomach and small intestines. The practice of eating guavas with salt or species is not all healthy. As soon as salt is applied on its cut portion, juices start flowing out. As a result useful minerals and vitamins are lost. Guava twigs are used to brush the teeth. Guava leaves can also be used for cleaning teeth and fighting bad breadth. For this purpose, the guava leaves could be sun-dried and burnt. The ash could be kept in a container and used as toothpowder. We may also add mustard oil to make a paste.

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