If You Are A Blogger Never Do This

Blogger Id

If YOU are the Blogger and have just got Adsense approval , or if you want to increase the earning of your websites by increasing the traffic of your websites. Then You mustn't do this.

Many Youtubers have many suggestion to do this and that. Some are helpful but not all of them. Some suggestion are really not giving any positive result. instead of the progress it will give negative results. I'm going to share such things which you must avoid from doing it.


Hello my friends, nowadays so many youtuber or experts suggest you an idea to make fake ID of either Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo, etc. They suggest you to make so many friends and use glamorous girls profile picture in Facebook, Instagram,twitter etc. And share your blogger articles in those Fake Account. And suggest YOU to Promote your Article in those fake account. 


I would like you to suggest YOU to never do this. To make fake Social ID for increasing traffic and income are really very cheap idea. It's not going to work at all. It will become one of the main causes of underrating and the suspension of your adsense account.

For the quality website and the organic traffic, you should be able to create the profile of your website. And this is only possible if you work only in some specific topic. You should be able to give genuine ideas and the quality articles in certain Niches. So that readers can easily get the taste of your websites. Only the visitor from the google or organic traffic will give you high rate of income. They will be the real followers and reader of you blog. This real readers will secure your Adsense account.

Promoting from the fake ID will brings the fake followers and readers. Generally they are attracted from only glamorous picture of your fake account. They don't bother to visit your sites. If they click on your articles, they will not read whole articles and set back quickly. This will increase the bounce back rate of your blog. If the bounce back rate became high, your Adsense Account will be suspended permanently. So Mind this and Never Do IT!


Hello friend ! before going in detail about invalid click, You must be clear about What is Invalid Click? Invalid Click is the activities which blogger usually do this unknowingly. Visiting your own websites frequently to increase the visitor number and clicking your own ADS to increasing income are called the INVALID CLICKING. They are not allowed by googles and we have already accepted the terms and condition and prohibits this INVALID CLICK. Google have set the treaty with so many sponsor company that Google will promote their Advertise. Google keep charge in those Advertising companies and give some percentage to blogger. Google wants the Genuine visitors and viewer of the ADS so that company also can make good sales. If we make INVALID CLICK then Google will suspend our Adsense account permanently.


Not the last and the least is that, don't share the link of your websites with anyone in messenger, or facebook, or instagram. Rather keep them secret and rely on the Organic traffic. This is slow process but the must reliable process to grow your websites. It may take long time but it will be the must intelligence and the risk free method of earning. This will always keep your account safe and free from external invalid click activities.


Don't write in different topic. Rather pick one simple field for writing promoting your websites. If you write in lot of categories, this will make the reader puzzle and decrease their curiosity. Nowadays so many blogger are working in websites which are very tough for to compete  them in very wider and broad topic.


Never upload picture which you download from google, facebook or other resources. This picture will claim the copyright to it's owner and also Adsense will not accept those picture or images. So try to use own picture from your own photography or use copyright free picture which you can download from unsplash.com or istock.com. Better change your picture in next gens-format before using them.

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