The carnivorous plants:


You know that insects feed on plants. But you will be surprised to know that some plants feed on insects. They are called insectivorous plants. These plants cannot synthesize protein. So they trap the insects and make use of protein, Available in the body of the insect. These plants have tricks to trap the insects.

Pitcher Plant: The leaf of this plant resembles conical tube with a lid over the opening. It has an attractive colour to draw the insect. It has a sticky substance inside the conical substance inside the conical tube. When an insect is attracted towards the colour of the leaf and it sits on the opening, the lid closes and the insect slips inside the leaf. It is stuck to the sticky substance. The leaf produces some enzymes by which it digests the prey.

Sundew Plant: It is another such plant. Hair-like structures grow on the leaf of this plant and at the end of these hairs shining dew drops are seen which are attractive. Insects approach the drops and get stuck to the plant.

Venus Fly Trap: It is another example of such plant.  These plants are grown more in America. The leaf blade has teeth - like structure. The colour of the blade is red and beautiful. If any insect sits on the leaf , it suddenly closes, thus trapping the insect.

Plant Aticularia: It is another insect-feeding plant, which grows in water in many parts of the world. The root of the plant will be in the water and they have bubble-like bags. If any insect in the water enters the bubble like bag, its hairy structure in the opening of the bag will not allow the insect to go out. A digestive juice present in the bag digests the insect and the protein is used. There are other insect feeding plants like Indian pipe and cobra plant etc.

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