A short Biography of His Holiness Atmananda lingden seing.

Atmananda lingden

His Holiness Atmananda lingden seing(Angsimang) was borned in 3rd December, 1954(18th mangsir2011BS), in a holy place of illam District, ibhang village. This place is situated in Eastern part of Nepal. From his early age he had suffered a lot of problems. Uneducated society and extreme poverty and he survived the orphan life in young age . He was interested in meditation from his young age. He meditated in different places in Eastern part of Nepal and finally attained the path for enlightenment in the fulungi cave. During the journey of enlightenment almighty appeared and he asked the almighty to take him away from the world of distress and provide him enlightenment. Almighty blessed him with enlightenment and remind him about his previous life incomplete task. Almighty said him to complete the incomplete task

started by His Holiness Falgunanda (Mahaguru). After that  His Holiness Atmananda lingden seing started to practise and teach kirat dharma(Religion).
His Holiness always promoted the Global Peace,Unification of Humanity, Global Responsibility for protection of all the living beings. He lived in a holy place called mangsebung. He was the refounder of Kirat religion. In his lifetime, millions of followers have flourished all over the world. His Holiness Atmananda lingden seing promoted the concept of same soul in all the living beings. His Holiness promote the written holy book called Mundhum. Mundhum is the Holy book which is believed to be written by God(Yuma,theba,himmang or Sumnima, paruhang, sawalung mang and Angsimang).  He brings many positive changes in the society.

His Holiness promoted the gender equality, nonviolence and awareness against drug addiction and alcoholism. His Holiness says that " Nowadays there were many distructive weapon built. If this weapon explodes, the world will be destroyed and whole human races may extinct. So only the way to survive in earth is the promotion of peace and harmony, forgiveness and nonviolence." He also said that the god rely on the truth of heart".
Now kirat religion is the fourth largest religion of Nepal. In every years millions of people from different countries visited mangsebung for the blessing of His Holiness and to listen his holy speech. We are blessed ,the world is blessed.
Long live Atmananda
Long live dharma guru
Thank you
Prithiman thulung
Swa-Lagansil kirat pariwar

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