My Journey as a Blogger


As I mentioned earlier that what kind of mentality you should have while starting a blog. Bloggers are especially of two types

1. Entrepreneur having own products to be promoted in a blog

2. Free writers who write on blog as a hobbies 

If we see among this two categories we thought that first option is better. Because this type of blogger will have maximum benefits by promoting product rather than the second option. So we think that we must have something our own products to be promoted. I don't have any money for Entrepreneurship so i cannot be a Bloggers. Don't ever let such things come in mind. My dear friends, if you want to be a blogger , though you may not have Entrepreneurship. Than don't let yourself go down with such thoughts in mind. You must make a creative writting as a hobbies. Do not seek instant income. Steady and slow win the race. Make lot of followers with daily new topics. After having enough followers, you can than start to promotes others company products,advertisements etc in a contract. You can start affiliate programs, like on you will surely have the good income from the blog.    

       Make a blog a passion, it will glow with the profession. One day it will surely brings color. So don't lose hope, don't stop dreaming and writing.

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