Why hydrogen is not a green fuel?


Green fuel

Hydrogen is the lightest element among 118 elements found on the Earth. It's lightweight helps Hydrogen to escape easily from our Earth atmosphere. Nowadays if we see about utilization of energy resources and it's impact in nature , it's very critical. We almost depend on the non renewable source of energy which are in very limited amount. So scientists are trying to develop reliable alternative source of energy. We considered the most easy, local and undepleted energy as the alternate source of energy.  In such concepts some research suggest the hydrogen also can be the alternate source of energy as it's a "green fuel". On this topic today i would like to discuss with you all. "Green fuel" means nature friendly, it doesn't harm the nature. Hydrogen when burned in air it changes it waterdroplet. So it will not produce any harmful gases. But in next topic we should take it into consideration. As we know that the main source of hydrogen gas is water. As each molecule of water carries two atoms of hydrogen. So hydrogen gas is collected by separating from the water molecules. Now if we think in global level, to fulfill the demand of fuel of 9 billions human, each days billions of liter of watermolecules will be destroyed and used as the fuel. Since after burning hydrogen fuel, it will again change into waterdroplet, it's not a problem. But problem is when the hydrogen fuel get leaked in atmosphere!!!. What will happens??? Accident??not necessarily the accident.  The biggger problem is hydrogen gas escaping nature. If we consider per day if a person leaked 10ml of hydrogen fuel, either during fueling, transferring or running engine. Then let half population involves in this. Then, 450000000 people x 10ml = 4500000000ml = 4500000 ltrs of fresh water will vanish from our earth each day. It is because this leak hydrogen will not remain on this earth. It'll escape away in the space. So we cannot recollect 4500000 ltrs of water on earth. So if this continues for long period of time than in longterm future it will not bring only energy crisis but very big living beings crisis. It will create immense scarcity of water and can change the living planet into dead planet. So before running any project to fulfill the energy demand by hydrogen fuel, this must be taken into consideration. It's crucial facts that we must be Global responsible to get the global credits. So think before you move. Thank you!!!

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