Imagination: beginning of Special theory of Relativity


At the age of 16 years commonly youngsters dreams of new bike, car and aeroplane. But Albert Einstein dream's about traveling on light. Traveling with the speed of light. His interest in light was so extreme that most of time he used to imagine about the phenomenon of light. And this is how the journey of Special theory of Relativity begins. This interest became the building block of the Relativity theory. As we generally understand that a children who had read about planet imagine about shape,color and try to see them in live. But the children who had seen the planets in live can imagine about reaching to those planet's which ultimately drag them to the journey of planets. Albert Einstein imagination is very advanced which made him possible to open the third eye in the Scientific world. He predicted the shape of universe. He was the Scientists who explain the Relativity in most general terms. Nothing is absolutely in rest or in motion. A person sitting in moving bus was in motion relative to the person standing beside the road. And that standing person appears to be in rest. But if an astronauts in moon watch the person standing outside the bus found him in motion along with the earth. So this is how Relativity works.

He was the Scientists who said that the speed of light is Universal constant. If any objects speed reach near to the speed of light then there will be very astonishing changes in the time and distance. This is the natural changes which occurs to keep the speed of light as the maximum possible speed limits in universe and of any body reach the speed of light then the time will stop and its length became shorter. This is called length contraction and time dilation. It said that a train traveling in speed near to sun appears to be shorter than their original length. Also about time dilation he said that twins brother in which one twin brother is left on earth and another is send to the travel to the space in very high speed rocket. Then after traveling for some year when he returns to Earth ,he  found that his twin brother's  on earth was significantly older than him. This is phenomenon is called twins paradox and is explained in time dilation.  I will come with time dilation and twins paradox in next topic.

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