Real Source of Happiness

 Real Source Of Happiness

A desire arises in the mind. There is a Vritti (impression) now. This Vritti agitates your mind till you get satisfaction through enjoyment of the desired object. There is Shanti or peace or happiness after the enjoyment is over. Another desire arises. Now in the interval between the gratification of one desire and the manifestation of another desire there is pure bliss, because there is no mind then. It is at rest. You are in union with Brahman. That state of pure bliss between two desires is Brahman. If you can prolong that period of bliss through Sadhana by keeping up the idea of Brahman and by not allowing any other Vritti or desire to crop up, you will be in Samadhi (superconscious state). The period between one Vritti and another Vritti is the real Sandhi (juncture).

Who sees the defects in the Sun-whether it shines brightly or whether it is obscured by clouds? It is the eye. Who sees the defects in the eye whether there is cataract or not? It is the Buddhi (intellect). Who sees the defects in the Buddhi whether there is confusion or clarity? Who illuminates the Buddhi? It is Aham (infinite” I”). This “Aham” is Kutastha or Atma or Brahman, illuminator of everything.

Who illuminates the objects in the dream? It is Brahman. There is no other light there.

Suppose there is a big light at night. You stand at a distance. Something stands between you and the light as an obstruction, and you cannot see the light. But you can see the objects clearly that are illuminated by the light. Though you cannot see the light directly, you clearly conclude that there must be a big light, through the perception of objects. Even so you see the world with its variegated coloured objects. There must be an illuminator behind this nature. That illuminator, the “Light of all Lights, Jyotishamapitat jyoti of the Gita, is Brahman, the Adhisthana (support) for this illusory world.

When the mind runs from one object to another object, the state in the interval wherein there is no mind is Swarupa Sthiti (the natural state). That is Brahman.


By Sri Swami Sivananda

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