Time Dilation

 Time Dilation:

Like that length of object, time too are affected by the relative motion of body. It means body in motion will experience slow time relative to the body in rest. It can also be explained in event of space travel, that a person moving in high speed spaceship clock will be slower and in same moment a person on the earth clock will be faster than the clock in spaceship. This is referred to as time dilation, meaning apparent lengthening of time.

Thus the proper time interval in a moving system is always less than the corresponding time interval, measured on a system at rest. It follows from the above that the passage of time and hence also all physiological processes that go with it ,like pulse and heart beats , and ,infact, the process of ageing itself, are slowed down in a fast moving reference frame. Also it is true that if the velocity of the moving frame be v=c, the passage of the time and also the process of ageing will stop altogether!

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