How Rwanda became Singapore of Africa


Rwanda is a landlocked African country. It is surrounded by Uganda, Tanzania and Congo. It have 18 tribes but citizens are categorized in two groups Hutu and Tutsi as per their socio-economic conditions. Their feelings of separation was so deep that they even kill each other without reason. The feelings of hatred was more triggered when Belgium issued racial identity card in 1932. They categorized Hutu as a wealthy group and Tutsi as lower group people. The hatred between these two group were brewing among them. These hatred become so extreme that they kill eachother. Even the best friend also didn't hesitate to kill eachother. Student of these two communities were kept separately. Hutu people dominate tutsi as they are of higher class and tutsi are of lower class. Hutu also printed pamphlets saying that if Hutu married to tutsi, they should break marriage. Hutu shouldn't do any business with tutsi. On 6th april 1994,  an aeroplane carrying president Juvenal Habyarimana and president Cyprien Ntaryamira of burundi was shotdown killing all the crew members. Hutu extremists blame on tutsi rebel group and tutsi blame on Hutu extremists. During this time 1 millions people were killed from either side.

But within this 20 years many more changes have been seen. Hutu extremists existing government were overthrown by tutsi and new constitution was drafted guaranteeing equal rights in Rwanda. Transitional government was established  in which the president was from Hutu community and vice president was Paul Kagame from tutsi community. 

On april 2000 Paul became president of Rwanda till today. Within this few years we can see the growth in literacy rate, business rate, life expectancy rate and decrease in corruption. 90% population involved in farming. Government built good quality roads and footpath. Government implement strict bans in plastic bags. Dustbin were kept in everywhere with separation of renewable and non renewable waste. Rwanda launched a programme called 'Umuganda' means to gathering of people for sanitation programme every month. Every citizens from 18 - 65 age should take part in this programme every month and come out to clean the country. Every government officials, business person, staff and even the president also take part in this program. Nepal and nepalese should learned from Rwanda. 

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